quinta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2024

Now is the right time for China-Japan relations to improve and develop

By Global Times, editorial, opinion

Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs Takeshi Iwaya was invited to visit China on Wednesday. Last month, Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba in Peru, and the two sides agreed to work together to comprehensively advance the strategic relationship of mutual benefit between China and Japan and endeavor to build a constructive and stable China-Japan relationship fit for the new era. When meeting Iwaya on Wednesday, Chinese Premier Li Qiang said China is willing to work with Japan to implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries. Later, at the second meeting of High-Level Consultation Mechanism on People-to-People and Cultural Exchanges between China and Japan attended by Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Chinese Foreign Minister, and Iwaya, China and Japan reached 10 important consensuses, including vigorously promoting youth exchanges and visits and introducing more facilitation measures to promote mutual visits of tourists.

This is not only Iwaya's first visit to China since he became foreign minister, but also the first China visit by a Japanese foreign minister since April last year when Yoshimasa Hayashi paid a visit to China. Compared with the past, Japanese public opinion has special expectations for Iwaya. The current China-Japan relations are in a critical period of improvement and development. After the Ishiba administration took office, the policy toward China emphasized more on pragmatic cooperation, and a series of bilateral dialogues between China and Japan have been gradually resumed. Ishiba claimed himself as a disciple of former Japanese prime minister Kakuei Tanaka, who sent then-foreign minister Masayoshi Ohira to visit China to promote the normalization of bilateral relations. It is clear that the Japanese side has taken Iwaya's visit to China as an opportunity to improve relations between the two countries.

It is not by chance that "constructive" and "stabilization" have become the consensus between the two countries during this period. In the past few years, China and Japan have suffered a difficult period rarely seen since the normalization of bilateral relations, causing great damage to the exchange and mutual trust between the two countries at all levels. The lesson is profound, and there has been a lot of reflection on this from the Japanese side.

Before his visit to China, Iwaya mentioned in an interview that China is a very important and eternal neighbor of Japan. He said that Japan has already made statements on historical issues in the past, and it is important to carry on the spirit of those statements. It is inappropriate to keep mentioning a potential invasion of the island of Taiwan, he noted. All of these statements clearly point to something that deserves recognition. In addition, some voices in Japan have also called for a change from the policy of "taking sides with the US" back to the track of "Japan-US alliance and Japan-China coordination." The Ishiba administration's practical actions to promote the improvement and development of China-Japan relations have a public opinion basis.

More importantly, the true foundation for the stable development of China-Japan relations has always been rooted in the practical need for exchanges and cooperation between the two countries and even the region. This is fundamental. One detail is worth reflecting on: After China decided to implement unilateral visa-free entry trials for ordinary passport holders from Japan, on December 1, a Japanese tourist who was traveling in Laos immediately changed his itinerary and took the China-Laos Railway to China, becoming the first Japanese tourist to enter China under the visa-free policy via the China-Laos Railway. This was achieved against the backdrop of China's ongoing efforts to expand its "visa-free circle."

For Japan, this means being included in the "fast track" for regional integration development. In recent days, Japanese media reported that Toyota plans to establish a new electric vehicle factory in China. A blue book on the Japanese economy jointly released by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and other institutions this month also shows that Japan's major companies are choosing to remain in China to operate, expecting to continue profiting from China rather than considering withdrawal or downsizing. This proves that "decoupling and supply chain disruption" is not in line with the reality of China-Japan relations, and any attempt to promote it between China and Japan is unlikely to come to realization.

In China-Japan interactions, China often focuses on the directional aspects of bilateral relations, while the Japanese public opinion tends to focus on consultations and solutions to specific issues. This difference does not necessarily lead to contradictions. At the same time, China and Japan are two critically important countries in the region, and the stable development of their relations holds significant importance for both countries, the region, and even the world.

The principles and directions established by the four political documents between China and Japan, such as the consensus that the two countries should be "cooperative partners rather than each other's threats," form the "foundation" of China-Japan relations. Solving one or two specific differences between China and Japan may not be difficult, but the thickness and quality of the "foundation" will determine how high and stable the friendship between the two countries can be. The perspective on and understanding of the bilateral relationship should not be short-term and utilitarian, but rather long-term. If a correct mutual understanding can be established and the right direction for China-Japan relations is grasped, it will be easier to solve some specific problems.

China's policy toward Japan has been consistent and stable. The key for future relations will be whether Japan can continue to implement its current pragmatic policy toward China, steadily and continuously, and seize this critical period for developing bilateral relations to build mutual trust.

Both the Chinese and Japanese people have the proverb "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step," and for both countries, now is the right time for China-Japan relations to improve and develop.

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Roket sira iha Timor-Leste: ignora alerta sira no risku sira ne'ebé aumenta

Lourdes do Rêgo | Diligente | # tradus husi portugues ba tetun

PNTL alerta kona-ba perigu sira hosi utilizasaun individuál hosi fogu artifisiál sira, hodi defende katak hamosu risku sira ne'ebé maka'as ba seguransa públika, ambiente no saúde hosi populasaun sira. Maibé, realidade loroloron nian hatudu katak avizu sira la konsidera ho luan.

Iha semana hirak ikus ne’e, fogete nia lian maka eko beibeik iha Timor-Leste tomak, prezente tantu iha kalan no iha loron-matan. Fa'an material pirotékniku aumenta, ho publisidade sira ne'ebé nakonu iha rede sosial sira no joven sira ne'ebé fa'an foguete sira iha ema hotu nia oin, iha rejiaun oioin sidade nian, iha loron-matan no to'o hasoru indiferensa aparente hosi autoridade sira.

Maski iha impaktu evidente ba moris loroloron nian, resposta hosi Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) nafatin imperseptivel, hodi hamosu preokupasaun kona-ba seguransa públika no aplikasaun lei. Efikásia kampaña sensibilizasaun no patrullamentu nian hetan kestiona hosi populasaun. Falta sansaun konkretu no supervizaun ne'ebé metin hamosu sentimentu impunidade.

Petasan sira kontinua haree hanesan parte integrante ida hosi selebrasaun sira Natál no Tinan Foun nian, reprezenta ksolok no tradisaun ba família barak. Maibé, ninia efeitu negativu sira sai polémika ba beibeik. Entre problema prinsipál sira maka poluisaun barullu, risku inséndiu sira no perigu sira ne'ebé asosiadu ho utilizasaun hosi labarik sira lahó supervizaun.

Nívia Rodrigues, tinan 21, rezidente Hera, mensiona ba Diligente katak importante atu selebra Natál no Tinan Foun ho maneira alternativa sira hodi uza fogu artifisiál, tanba impaktu negativu ne'ebé ida-ne'e bele fó ba ema barak. “Ha’u gosta haree roket, liuliu bainhira ha’u dook husi uma, tanba ne’e furak. Maibé, bainhira sira lansa besik ha'u nia uma, ha'u sente la seguru no ida-ne'e interfere ho ha'u nia deskansa, liuliu iha kalan.”

Feto joven ne’e mós hatutan tan katak roket sira ne’e hamosu perigu ba pasiente sira ne’ebé presiza hakmatek iha laran, hanesan ferik-katuas ka ema ne’ebé iha problema fuan no tensaun aas. "Selebra Natál la presiza envolve foguete sira. Importante liu maka mai hamutuk no reflete kona-ba saida maka importante duni”, nia hatete.

Nívia destaka perigu sira ne'ebé asosiadu ho labarik sira ne'ebé uza fogu artifisiál lahó monitorizasaun. “Kestaun seluk mak labarik barak mak uza fogu artifisiál la hetan akompañamentu husi inan-aman, ne’ebé bele hamosu asidente. Iha ne’e, bai-bain ita haree labarik sira halimar roket, tuda ba malu hodi hata’uk sira-nia an,” nia lamenta.

Ikus liu, Nívia subliña nesesidade ba kontrolu boot liu hosi autoridade sira. “Proibisaun polísia nian ne’e importante, maibé kontrolu presiza rigorozu liután. Agora daudaun, ema kontinua fa'an roket sira no fasil tebes atu hetan sira. Iha ha’u-nia bairru, polísia la ezerse kontrolu efetivu ba asuntu ne’e”, konklui.

Tinan liubá, Konsellu Ministru, iha parseria ho Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL), fó sai komunikadu ida ne'ebé bandu uzu individuál hosi fogu artifisiál sira no aparellu pirotékniku sira seluk iha nasaun tomak. Bandu ne'e mosu hafoin insidente sira ho material pirotékniku iha Díli, Viqueque, Ermera, Bobonaro, entre sira seluk, hanesan haktuir hosi dokumentu.

Tinan ne’e, PNTL kontinua fó avizu ba populasaun sira, husu ba sidadaun sira atu labele uza fogu artifisiál, atu nune’e bele prezerva orden públika no evita perturbasaun. Atu reforsa seguransa iha époka festiva ne’e, estabelese kompromisu operasionál konjuntu entre Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) no PNTL.

Rezolusaun No. 12/2024, ne’ebé fó sai hosi Konsellu Ministru, estabelese kolaborasaun entre forsa seguransa sira ne’e hodi garante trankuilidade no orden públika entre 21 Novembru no 5 Janeiru 2025. Esforsu ne’e inklui asaun patrullamentu no kontrolu konjuntu, ho objetivu atu prevene kualkér tenta atu perturba dame públiku.

Maski iha lejislasaun, iha mídia sosiál sira, partikularmente iha Facebook no WhatsApp, joven sira ne'ebé identifikadu públikamente kontinua halo publisidade kona-ba fa'an roket sira lahó tauk ruma ba represália sira.

Hanesan kazu João Costa (naran fiktivu), vendedór joven ida. “Ha’u sosa kaixa ho folin $170 iha fronteira no fa’an hodi hetan lukru. Iha ezijénsia barak, liuliu iha área sira ne’ebé la’ós Díli nian”, nia destaka. Iha kapitál, tuir joven ne’e, folin baratu liu, “tanba ne’e mak ami la foti medida ne’ebé todan liu ho komunidade sira. Maibé, importante maka ema ne’ebé de’it maka uza roket hatene kona-ba risku sira ne’ebé hamosu”, nia hakotu.

Hanoin katak uza dispozitivu pirotékniku sira ne'ebé la kontroladu, hanesan roket no pops, konstitui perigu signifikativu ba seguransa públika, liuliu bainhira ema ne'ebé la kualifikadu maka kaer. Materiál sira-ne'e, ne'ebé dalabarak fa'an la tuir lei, bele hamosu asidente sira ne'ebé maka'as, hosi sunu to'o inséndiu sira, hodi tau iha risku integridade fízika no propriedade hosi komunidade tomak.

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Na pele de André da Costa, um trabalhador timorense na Coreia do Sul

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PR Partisipa Prosesu Funebre Saudozu Tom Hyland

DILI, STLTIMORLESTE.com – Presidente da República (PR), José Ramos Horta hatete, matebian Tom Hyland ho naran Kodigu Malae Maubere hola parte memoria istoria Timor Leste nia.

Presidente da República José Ramos Horta hatoo lia hirak nee liu husi nia diskursu iha Selebrasaun Misa Requem ba Saudozu, Tom Hyland ho naran Kodigu Malae Maubere, iha Semiteriu Bekusi, Kinta (26/12/2024).

Prezidente República dehan, metebian nee Prezidente nia kolega diak no metin neebe hakotu vida no ohin hakoi iha Bekusi.

Matebian servisu iha Timor Leste hahu iha 1997, mezmu krize 1999 nia la halai, tanba nee Tom hakarak mai iha nee, maibe iha nee mos iha senhor ladun konhesidu Cronson husi Amerikanu fotografu primeiru fotografia iha Timor mos hakoi hotu iha Bekusi.

“Tom Hyland Ho naran kodigu Malae Maubere hola parte memoria Timor Leste nia istoria Bonita, istoria korajen, istoria solidariedade”, disse PR Horta.

Prezidente dehan, ho laran todan, triste, halo despedida adeus ba Tom, espera nia sai ezemplu, nia uluk ema simples, PR konhese nia iha Irlanda, nia motorista super ba bus dezempregadu lakon servisu também iha nia uma haree imajen santa Kruz nee nia revoltadu , “depois fatin barak hau ba enkontru ho artista sinema balun ami konhese malu sira temi kedas M nia naran, hau respeita tebes M nia mobiliza ema lubuk ida iha Irlanda ou Amerika desidensia Irlandes”, disse Horta.

Nia hatutan, oras nee daudaun familia husi matebian Tom sente susar no triste, tanba nee Prezidente hamriik lori estadu nia naran fo korajen ba familia sira. Taxa Husu tau matan nafatin ba nia.

Nunee mos Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru no koperasaun (MNEK), Bendito Freitas hatete, ohin loron hamutuk ho laran todan tebes atu halo despedida ba ema figura ida neebe iha istoria TL nia.

Ministru hatete, Matebian Tom nia domin ba Timor klean tebes no laiha rohan, ba rai no povu liu-liu ba foinsae sira sempre ho liman nakloke ho espiritu ida neebe jenerozu tebes nia kompaisaun no korajen ba Timor Leste nia potensia mak fo inspirasaun ba ema hotu neebe konhese nia.

“Prezensa Tom nia iha ita nia moris fo hanoin kona-ba modelu influencia husi solidariedade forsa neebe halibur ita hotu atu luta ba lia los no justisa, maske ita sente laran todan tanba nia fila tiha ona, ita mos selebra moris neebe nakonu ho propojitu no didikasaun,” katak nia.

Nia hatutan, lori Governu Timor Leste nia naran liu-liu MNEK neebe Tom ho nia dedikasaun makaas ba ministeriu nia. Tanba nee Ministru hatoo sentidu kondelensia no solidariedade neebe klean tebes ba matebian nia familia no amigu hotu neebe sente matebian nia diak no kompromisu.

Nia hatete, Tom nia legadu sei horik ba nafatin iha Povu Timor Leste nia laran, deskansa em pas matebian Tom iha reinu rohan laek.

(eme) - Suara Timor Lorosae(STL)

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Jere Edukasaun Nível Munisipal

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Homenagens ao ex-motorista de autocarro e ONG de Ballyfermot pelo presidente Michael D Higgins

The Irish Times | David Shanks | # Tradução em português do Brasil | em inglês na página original

O presidente Michael D Higgins liderou homenagens ao ativista pela paz de Timor-Leste, Tom Hyland, que morreu após uma longa doença em Dili, a capital timorense. Ele tinha 72 anos.

O Sr. Hyland, um ex-motorista de ônibus de Ballyfermot, formou a East Timor Ireland Solidarity Campaign (ETISC) no dia seguinte em que viu um filme na televisão sobre o massacre de cerca de 100 jovens enlutados no cemitério em 1991 por tropas indonésias. Timor mais tarde se tornou independente após um referendo das Nações Unidas em 1999.

O presidente Higgins o descreveu como “uma dessas pessoas excepcionais que, tendo se familiarizado com o que estava acontecendo longe da Irlanda, decidiu agir em uma questão de humanidade que não podia ser ignorada”.

O Sr. Hyland manteve uma forte conexão com Timor Leste ao longo das décadas, vivendo e trabalhando lá por períodos significativos. Ele fez campanha incansavelmente junto com outros grupos de solidariedade internacional contra a brutal ocupação militar ilegal indonésia de 24 anos. Estima-se que um terço da população tenha sido morta durante esse tempo.

Mulher australiana ocupa um dos altos cargos na missão de manutenção da paz da ONU

Quando Cheryl Pearce entrou para o exército australiano em 1985, ela e outras mulheres foram vistas como “diluidoras” do Exército.

Genevieve Gannon* | The Australian em Womens Weekly | # Traduzido em português do Brasil – página original em inglês

Ela não deveria intervir. Por quase 20 anos, a Major Cheryl Pearce obedeceu ordens e treinou para a guerra em uma era que favorecia uma forma masculina e militarista de operar. 

Desde que entrou no treinamento de oficiais em 1985 como parte do primeiro grupo de mulheres treinadas ao lado de homens, ela resistiu ao sexismo e à resistência para ascender a posições de responsabilidade, enquanto encontrava uma maneira de integrar seu próprio estilo de liderança. Em 2002, quando foi convidada a usar a boina azul-celeste das Forças de Paz das Nações Unidas em Timor-Leste, ela se deparou com uma situação de vida ou morte. No calor do momento, ela fez o que seu coração , seu instinto e sua experiência lhe disseram, e isso mudou tudo.

Timor Leste foi a primeira missão de Cheryl na ONU, que estava fora do comando e controle da Força de Defesa Australiana (ADF). O dia fatídico começou com uma patrulha às 7h. Cheryl estava desarmada e sozinha, dirigindo em direção aos mercados locais, quando se deparou com um adolescente sendo atacado por cinco homens com facões. 

“Como observadores, devemos monitorar, observar e relatar; nosso papel não era intervir”, explica Cheryl.