sábado, 9 de maio de 2015

Mauk Moruk - Hanita: Vitima Inocente Husi Operasaun KOK Aumenta

Infomasaun Lakredivel husi Instituisaun Kredivel: Vitima Inocente Husi Operasaun KOK Aumenta

Hafoin operasaun HANITA buka tuir Mauk Moruk ho nia membru sira iha grupo ilegal Konsellu Revolusaun Maubere. Ho rezolusaun Konsellu Ministru ne’e indika ba krime organizadu ho objetivu kria instablidade ba nasaun. Operasaun ne’ebé lao tuir ho natureza iha lei siguransa nasional no mos regra empeñamentu hodi la preojudika normalidade bázika no direitu fundamental ema nia.

Maske nune’e operasaun konjunta mos sai toman agresiva polítika setor siguransa Timor-Leste nia. Vitima inocente rejista mos durante iha operasaun HANITA nia atuasaun siraPasa revista 24 oras iha estrada ba movimentu transporte publiku, revista kartaun eleitoral no tesi mane sira ne’ebé fuuk naruk. Inklui pasa revista tama uma sai uma ne’ebé estraga mos sasan balu husi komunidade nia.

Hetok at liu tan pasa revista ba rezidensia ema ne’ebé deskonfia subar Mauk Moruk no kilat ikus la iha rezultadu. Ida ne’e kauza husi informasaun sira la kredivel husi instituisaun sira ne’ebé kredivel. Tanba ohin loron lahatudu lolos paradeiru Mauk Moruk no nia membru balu seidauk kaptura.

Operasaun HANITA ne’ebé estadu aloka ona osan 2 millaun ikus laiha rezultadu. Portantu operasaun extende tan no vitima husi violasaun mos sei aumenta, tanba fulan ida resin KOK lakonsege kaptura Mauk Moruk ho nia membru grupo ilegal balu.

FM alerta kona-bá operasaun HANITA ne’ebé sei extende tan ho aproximasaun foun, ne’ebé delega L-7 no ema seluk ne’ebé deskonfia besik Mauk Moruk atu buka solusaun ba problema. Nune’e FM husu ba komunidade atu koopera ho autoridade siguransa hodi kontribui ba estabilidade nasional. Dialogu maka nu’udar solusaun pasifika atu hametin paz no hakmatek iha Timor-Leste.

Incredible Information from Credible Institution: Innocent Victims of the Joint Operation Command are Increasing

The HANITA operation is currently underway, searching for Mauk Moruk the members of his illegal group, the Revolutionary Maubere Council operating with the intention of creating instability for the country. The operation been conducted based on national security law and is not supposed to violate the fundamental rights of the people.

Despite this, the joint operation has become characterized by the aggression of the security forces.Innocent victims were the collateral damage of HANITA’s operationconducting a checkpoint 24 hours a day in the streets against public transit, checking electoral cards, and cutting the hair of long-haired males, as well as unwarranted searching of houses and in some cases, the destruction of community goods.

The state has so far spent US$2 million for the HANITA operation, yet has nothing to show for it, while the number of victims of the violence is increasing. It has been over a month since the joint operation began but the government has thus far been unable to capture Mauk Moruk and his lieutenants.

FM is concerned with the ongoing HANITA operation, which is asking for L-7 and other people who are closely to Mauk Moruk to find for a peaceful solution soon. FM urges people to cooperate with the security authorities to contribute to national stability. Dialogue is a peaceful solution to strengthen security and stability in Timor-Leste

Fundasaun Mahein

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