Celestino Gusmão* | Díli | opiniaun
Liberdade espresaun mai ho
responsabilidade. Maske La’o Hamutuk kontra medida legal ne’ebé bele limita
diskusaun, ami atu bolu observadór polítiku sira- inklui jornalista, akadémiku,
no hakerek na’in ba blogu sira, liuliu hirak ne’ebé la’ós Timoroan no hakerek
husi rai li’ur de’it - atu tau iha neon katak, bainhira sira ezersísiu sira nia
liberdade espresaun, presiza konsidera konsekuénsia negativu husi sira nia
hakerek ba Timoroan sira. La’o Hamutuk(Institutu Analiza Monitorizasaun ba
Dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste) harii iha prinsipiu ida katak ema sira
internasionál ho nasionál servisu hamutuk hodi tane as justisa sosiál iha
Timor-Leste, no ami hato’o sujestaun ba ami nia belun internasionál sira.
Blogu rua ne’ebé foin lalais
publika kona-ba lideransa polítika balun, sirkula iha media sosiál, hanesan
ezemplu rua kona-ba artigu hirak ne’ebé ladún konstrutivu no laiha
responsabilidade. Artigu ida kona-ba Prezidente
Lu Olo, nakonu ho sensasionál kona-ba abuzu konstituisional, no artigu
seluk ne’ebé kompara Xanana Gusmão nia relasaun ho
feto sira ho Donald Trump.
Klaru, importante atu lideransa
polítika sira banati tuir standard ne’ebé as, no laiha lideransa mak bele sees
husi kritika sira. Ho ida ne’e, komentáriu sira presiza bazeia ba evidénsia,
konsistente ho prinsipiu étika jornalizmu nian, no konstrutivu. Spekulasaun, la
uza fonte nia naran, ataka pesoál no uza liafuan manas sei la ajuda ema ida.
Debate kona-ba Timor-Leste presiza foka ba programa no implementasaun programa
sira, la’ós foka ba personalidade. Ho situasaun polítika foin lalais, nasaun
ida ne’e presiza komentadór, lideransa polítika no sidadaun sira ne’ebé foka ba
programa ne’ebé bele servi hanesan matadalan ba nasaun ba tinan 5 tuir mai, no
aban bainrua.
Perspetiva husi li’ur bele ajuda
fornese debate no lori esperiénsia no informasaun adisionál; maibé mós bele
lori konsekuénsia ne’ebé ita la hakarak. Ema hirak ne’ebé lee artigu sira,
presiza tetu katak artigu ne’e loos ka lae, no hanoin dala rua molok sirkula.
Ita hotu iha responsabilidade atu
hamenus tensaun, ataka pesoál no debate partidáriu. Buat hirak ne’e, bele
aumenta dezafiu ba dalan atu hadi’ak liu tan Timoroan nia moris, povu ida
ne’ebé tinan barak nia laran sofre ho intervensaun husi nasaun li’ur sira.
Hakerek na’in sira iha rai li’ur sei la moris ho impaktu negativu sira, maibé
Timoroan sira mak sei moris ho nia konsekuénsia sira ne’e. Hakerek na’in sira
ne’ebé hadomi rai doben ida ne’e, iha obrigasaun moral atu kontribui ho meius
pozitivu no uza dalan konstrutivu.
Nasaun estranjeiru sira ukun
Timor-Leste iha tinan atus barak nia laran, no dala barak sira la tau matan ba
interese povu nian. Ohin loron Timor-Leste ukun rasik an, mai ita hotu tenke
muda husi luta rezisténsia ida ne’e ba luta hodi enkoraja malu. Mai tau neon
hamutuk hodi kontribui ba debate ida konstrutivu, persuasivu, no kolabora ho
espíritu ida atu lori nasaun ida ne’e ba oin.
La’o Hamutuk Reminds Authors that
their Writing has Consequences
Freedom of speech comes with
responsibility. Although La’o Hamutuk opposes legal measures which could
restrict discussion, we urge all political observers - including journalists,
academics and bloggers, particularly non-Timorese who write from a distance -
to remember that they should consider the repercussions on the Timorese people
when they use their freedom of speech. La’o Hamutuk (the Timor-Leste
Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis) was founded on the principle
that internationals and nationals work together to advance social justice in
Timor-Leste, and we therefore offer this suggestion to the country’s
international friends.
Two recent blog articles
circulated on social media and focusing on political leaders exemplify
unconstructive and irresponsible commentary. One lambasts President
Lu Olo with sensational accusations of constitutional abuse, while another
compares Xanana Gusmão’s
relationships with women to Donald Trump.
Political leaders should be held
to a high standard, and no leader’s actions are above criticism. That said,
commentary should be evidence-based, consistent with basic principles of
journalistic ethics, and constructive. Speculation, unnamed sources, personal
attacks and inflammatory language are not helpful. Additionally, debate about
Timor-Leste should focus on policies, not personalities. In the wake of recent
political events, this country needs commentators, political leaders and
citizens to focus on the programs that will shape the next five years and
Outside perspectives can improve
debate by bringing in additional experiences and information; they also have
consequences. People who read these articles should also exercise judgment
about their accuracy and helpfulness, and think twice before circulating or
reposting them.
We all share responsibility to
try to reduce polarization, personal attacks and counter-attacks, and
partisanship. Theseadd unnecessary challenges to the difficult task of
improving the lives of Timor-Leste’s people, who have already suffered greatly
from outside intervention. Overseas authors may not experience the negative
impact of their writings, but the Timorese people will live with the
consequences. Authors who care about this beloved country have a moral
obligation tocontribute in a positive and constructive way.
For centuries, Timor-Leste was
ruled by foreign governments who ignored the needs and desires of our people. Now
that we are independent, we need to change our approach from resistance to encouragement.
Please join us in the spirit of constructive debate, persuasion and
collaboration which can move our country forward.
Celestino Gusmão* | Díli
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