quarta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2016

Governu Tenke Kontrola Elektrisidade Mate Lakan

DILI – Reprezentante povu iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN) Deputadu Aurelio Freitas Ribeiro hatete, Elektrisidade Mate Lakan bele Estraga sasan elektroniku, iha  uma laran, tanba nee governu liu husi Ministeriu Obras Publiku Transporte Komunikasaun tenke kontrola ahi mate lakan iha kapital Dili.

Tuir Deputadu Aurelio katak, Elektrisidade mate lakan tanba planu politika ladun diak, implementa projetu elektridade laliu husi tenderizasaun no estudu viabilidade, kada kompania ba sukat halo projetu elektrisidade, kualidade fiu no airin sira nee laiha, lakleur aat.

Ami eziji ba governu liu ministeriu obras publiku transporte komunikasaun liu vise ministru trata asuntu elektridade tenke fo orentasaun ba tekniku sira tun kontrola lina elektridade atu nunee bele halo mantensaun no hadia tanba lakon ona osan lubuk ida ba energia elektridade,” dehan Aurelio ba STL, Tersa (20/12/2016) iha knar fatin PN.

Nia hatete, Ahi mate lakan fo risku boot ba sasan elektroniku no impede atividade negosiu,  hakarak lakohi governu iha obrigasaun tenke hadia halo istalasaun ba lina elektrisidade iha Kapital Dili, atu nunee bele fo naroman ba komunidade sira hotu bele halo atividade.

Iha fatin hanesan Deputada Izilda Manuela da Luz Pereira Bankada CNRT hatete, iha loron rua udan tun, halo Ahi elektrisidade mate lakan iha kapital Dili, husu ba governu liu Ministeriu Obras Publiku Transporte Komunikasaun, tenke kontrola nunee asegura energia elektrisidade lakan 24 oras. Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Kinta (22/12/2016). Josefa dos Santos

Suara Timor Lorosae

Deskonfia Aderito Oho, Suspeitu Nain 7 Detein Sela Polisia

DILI – Vitima Aderito Soare ho idade (33) neebe ema oho iha area Sabraka Laran, suku Becora, Postu Administrativu Cristo Rei Munisipiu Dili, Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) kaptura ona suspeitu nain 7 neebe oras nee detein iha sela Polisia Munisipiu Dili.

Tuir Segundu komandante PNTL Munisipiu Superienterndente Assisten polisia, Euclides Belo dehan, suspeitu nain 7 polisia kaptura ona hodi supmete ba ia prosesu investigasaun.

Mate isin ami entrega ona familia, no suspeitu ba ami kaptura nain 7 neebe mak detein hela iha sela polisia para hein prosesu kontinuasaun,” dehan Euclides ba STL liu husi via telefone Kuarta (21/12/2016).

Nia haktuir tan katak motivu husi kazu nee seidauk hatene los, maibe bainhira prosesu investigasaun lao mak foin bele hatene motivu lolos husi kazu nee.

Tuir informasaun katak, vitima nee ba partisipa festa krisma ida iha area Sabraka Laran hafoin nia fila husi festa maka ema ataka nia iha dalan hodi  tuda ho fatuk, no vitima nee monu tiha ba rai mak ema lori fatuk boot tuda ba iha vitima nia ulun parte loos hodi resulta vitima mate iha fatin. Akontesementu nee akontese iha Tersa (20/12/2016) tuku 2 madrugada.

Nunee mos Deputadu, Antonio 55 dehan, polisia tenke monta estrajiku iha fatin neebe mak sai risku ba fatin konflitu, para asegura seguransa, labele ema oho malu, mate tiha mak polisia foin ba. Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Kinta (22/12/2016). Lucia Ximenes

Suara Timor Lorosae

A food for thought as we are heading to the 2017 parliamentary election

Getting Representation Right

A food for thought as we are heading to the 2017 parliamentary election

By: Menukai Pinheiro

As 2017 draws closer, many in Timor-Leste have set their minds to both presidential and parliamentary elections. Timor-Leste has made quite a stride in the past 15 years since reclaiming independence from Indonesia in 1999. It has held 3 presidential and parliamentary elections respectively in fair and free environment. The Economist Intelligence Unit ranks Timor-Leste higher than all ASEAN members in its 2015 Democracy Index.  

The freedom that the Timorese enjoy in their political exercise particularly in general election however, should not be seen as an end in itself. The question of representativeness of those elected through political parties has popped up recently as a theme worth considering and merits further scrutiny. This comes as voters are becoming increasingly disenchanted with the performances of members of parliament (MPs) and with the current electoral system. The following is a translation of a community member’s dissatisfaction in a discussion held by a local NGO Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP);
“we are really not happy with the performances of member of parliament which are not representing the people in law making, oversight and decision making after general election. We urged the government and the parliament to improve the electoral law for national parliament, particularly on setting rigorous criteria to ensure that quality member of national parliament are elected”.
The existing electoral system is a closed list, proportional representation model, and the whole of the country is treated as a single national constituency. Apart from the president of the republic, all members of both the executive and the legislative bodies are not elected directly by the people. Members of the legislative body are drawn from closed-list figures of political parties winning seats in the national parliament – meaning candidates to the parliament are selected by the party leadership.

The nature of representation is therefore, broad-based as the national character of the closed list system does not guarantee representation for each and every one of the municipalities in Timor-Leste. The quality of representation is hence, questionable. Arguably, legislations or policies in this context, might be enacted on the basis of one-size-fits-all kind in nature – meaning legislations or policies from both the parliament and the government, while may appear as inclusive in general, they may not reach or cover some groups of people in specific areas.

Consequently, for particular issues to get the attention of the national parliament or that of the government, they either have to be brought to the national parliament or be heard by MPs in their occasional visits to municipals, which may not be accessible by all people in some areas. So, question of access is also crucial. Those with access and more organized interests at least have some bearing in law and policy making while those without are at a huge disadvantage.

The absence of regional representation in the system actually reduces the national character of the parliament and may weaken the government’s effectiveness to implement appropriate policies in specific areas across the country.

Challenges remain even for those with access nonetheless. For example, even after an issue is heard, subsequent actions by the national parliament depends largely on to which MPs it was presented, how big the issue were and whether or not it shared national feeling – leading to issues confined to certain geographical areas or groups of society may not generate as much interest and consideration.  

While the internet and social media in particular, is providing a much-needed additional platform for people to voice their issues and concerns openly and directly to MPs and members of government for example through Facebook (FB), not everyone has access to the Internet and use Facebook. The Internet World Stats for Timor-Leste for 2016 shows that only slightly more than a quarter of the total population are internet users with users for FB having about the same penetration rate at 27% as a total share of the population, and it’s unclear how many out of this are actually using it for raising issues or discussions relevant to policy making. Also, the effectiveness of this sort of platform remains either understudied or uninvestigated.  

JSMP’s Parliament Watch Program Annual Report for 2015 reported on MPs performances which more or less echoes the above expressed discontent. They range from less than full house participation rate in plenary and other debates on average, unjustified absent from work, to basic disciplinary issues such as timekeeping and being orderly during plenaries and parliamentary debates- adding fuel to public’s growing frustration. These behaviors lessen the national parliament’s productivity and have resulted in a backlog of important laws and legislation the report concluded.

On top of that, blatant disregard exhibited by successive parliamentarians to scrap the pension law for former MPs and member of government despite a nation-wide protest is further proof to how out of touch the national parliament is with the people and epitomizes the lack of representation in the system.

These sorts of challenges could be dealt with differently in a system where individual MPs accountability isn’t only upward, but more importantly, downward to the people who elected them. The current system allows underperformed MPs to hide behind the mask of political parties – shielding them from being held accountable by the public. The impersonal nature of the electoral system actually works against the competitive nature that comes with democratic election, which is to elect political parties with possibly better and more representative figures to the national parliament. It is also working against the spin-offs that competition breeds to enhance the workings of a system or an organization.

MPs in a system where they are answerable to the people or whose constituency is divided by a fixed geographical line on the other hand, have both exogenous and endogenous drive to be representative. His/her constituents’ trust and not only that of the political party’s is the primary determinant in one remains elected or not. In such a system, the electorate have the freedom to elect potentially the best candidates at their own discretion, to represent them and contribute to an inclusive national legislation or policies.

At the same time, the system compels political parties to attract and draft the best people into their ranks if they wished to be seriously regarded as contenders in every election – contributing to increasing democratic efficiency and accountability. Democratic efficiency refers to the degree to which the results of democratic processes reflect the will of the people. In this context, it refers to the ways in which the system encourages or compels depends how one views it, both political parties and the electorate to make the best choices under a given condition. For example, political parties come forward with the best possible candidates to represent an electorate, voters elect politicians they believe would serve their interests best in law and policy making, and elected candidates and their respective parties answer to the electorate – creating a mutually binding relationship between all actors and a much clearer expectations between the electorate and the elected politicians.

The current system is less so. Given accountability is to political parties instead of the electorate, the incentive is somewhat unclear and MPs reelection aren’t necessarily reflective of their actual performances as far as representation and accountability are concerned. The system discourages efforts to exploit the potentials of representative democracy as a delegated system of government, and could undermine the core principle and values underpinning democracy most notably, government of the people, by the people and for the people the system meant to safeguard in the first place.  

Timor-Leste is becoming increasingly diverse in its demographic as it is maturing as a nation-state. This is reflected in the growing number of returning diaspora, groups of Timorese societies realizing their rights in post-independence era and new generations with their new needs and rights are becoming eligible to vote. Ideally, the electoral system should reflect these changes and their associated issues. It should serve not only as a mechanism to elect politicians, but also as a means to ensure that the values of representative democracy are exercised and maintained.

The point is we can make the system works better for our democracy and that encompasses making selective changes to the current system or scrap the law altogether and introduce an alternative to improve the workings of our representative democracy. 

“Operasaun Represivu GOMMD, Saneamentu no Polisia ba Vendedór Ambulante iha Dili Ilegal”

Komunikadu da Imprensa

“Operasaun Represivu GOMMD, Saneamentu no Polisia ba Vendedór Ambulante iha Dili Ilegal”

Vendedór estrada mai hosi kreatividade komunidade atu asesu ba ekonomia iha Timor-Leste bainhira estadu seidauk bele kria kampu servisu ida ne’ebé adekuadu ba ema hotu. Maizumenus liu 30% de’it hosi populasaun ho idade traballu mak bele asesu ekonomia formal ne’ebé maior parte mai hosi despeza estadu nian, no liu 60% mak sei depende ba ekonomia naun formal hanesan kria nia empregu rasik. Vendedór estrada ida ne’e ezemplu hosi povu kria nia kampu traballu rasik.

Infelizmente, kreatividade ekonomia povu kiik sira nian ida ne’e la hetan protesaun hosi Governu no sempre hetan atuasaun ida ne’ebé la justu no la hamunu. Atuasaun estadu ida ne’e sei hamate asesu moris ema kiik sira ba direitu ekonomia no sosial hanesan konsagra iha konstituisaun no Konvensaun Internasional ba Direitu Sosial no Ekonomia. Atuasaun ne’e sei halakon rendimentu familia vendedór estrada sira, halo labarik sira labele hetan alimentasaun ne’ebé di’ak no nesesidade baziku sira seluk.

Atuasaun GOMMD, saneamentu no polisia Munisipiu Dili ba ami vendedór ambulante sai ona hanesan servisu rutina autoridade munisipal Dili nian. Bazeia ba deklaransaun Sra. Berta Viera, Xefe GOMMD, iha nutisia Timor post ne’ebé ami sita hateten kata, “operasaun ida ne’e bazeia ba DECRETO-LEI N.º 33/2008 de 27 de Agosto kona-ba HIGIENE E ORDEM PÚBLICAS.  Exsekusaun ba lei ida ne’e, ami sente katak halo ami vendedór ambulante tama iha situasaun ne’ebé represivu no violentu nia laran. Tanba exekusaun ida ne’e, la iha despacho no notifikasaun kona-ba espasu públiku sira ne’ebé ami labele faan no sirkula, maibé halo generalizasaun ne’ebé la refleta ba lei 24/2011 relasiona ho natureza komesrsiu ambulante nian. Alem de ida ne’e, atuasaun hirak ne’e dala barak ho meius violentu ne’ebé kausa ba ofensa integridade fisika nomós halo estragus ba sasan ne’ebé ami faan, no dala barak ami lakon ami nia sasan.

Tuir mai kronologia kazu sira ne’ebé mak ami sempre infrenta durante hala’o ami nia negosiu. kazu hirak mak hanesan tuir mai ne’e:

Atuasaun GOMMD, saneamentu no Polisia Munisipiu Dili ba ami, vendedór ambulante, kuaze loron-loron, desde Decreto Lei 33/2008 kona ba Higiene e Ordem Publica sai. Pratika ilegal ida ne’e, kontinua to’o agora no viola ami nia direitu. Iha loron 14/12/2016, horas tuku 20:30, ka tuku 08:30 kalan, iha Largo Lecidere, GOMMD, Saneamentu no Polisia Munisipiu Dili, mai foti ilegalmente sasan ami nain 50 resin nian. Atuasaun ne’ebé mak GOMMD, Saneamento ho Polisia halo iha leten lidera direitamente husi Sra. Berta Viera halo ami lakon ami nia sasan, karosa no osan balu ne’ebé ami tau iha ami nia karosa(hare lista anexo kona ba total osan no sasan mak lakon).

Iha loron 17/12/2016 horas 19:00 ka tuku 07:00 kalan, ami nia maluk seluk mós hetan atuasaun ilegalmente husi Saneamento no Polisia Distrito Dili nian, iha Merkadu lama ka CCD. Atuasaun ne’e halo ami nia maluk sira lakon sira nia sasan no osan (hare lista anexo kona ba total osan no sasan mak lakon).  

Desde de Decreto Lei 33/2008 nia implementasaun to’o agora hasoru ami vendedór ambuante nia meius hanesan de’it no la tuir prosedimento adinistrativa iha Decreto-lei n.º 32/2008 de 27 de agosto procedimento administrativo, maibé GOMMD sempre mai kolia no foti sasan de’it.

Pratika administrativa hirak iha leten, ami hanoin katak ne’e pratika ilegal, la tuir lei tanba tuir DECRETO-LEI N.º 24/2011 de 8 de Junho, LICENCIAMENTO DAS ACTIVIDADES COMERCIAIS, ne’ebé sai hanesan base ba hodi halo negosiu. Tanba ne’e ami nia existensia constitusionlmente e legalmente protegido. Ami legalmente protegido tanba tuir Decreto Lei Licenciamento das Actividade ida ne’e iha Artigo 4.º iha alinea, “e) Comércio ambulante, é a actividade comercial exercida por pessoas singulares, que consiste na venda a retalho fora do estabelecimento comercial, de forma habitual, ocasional, periódica ou continuada, em perímetros ou locais devidamente autorizados, feiras, ou em instalações comerciais desmontáveis ou transportáveis, incluindo roulottes.” Ho baze legal ida ne’e mak ami nia maluk vendedór balu iha ona registo no balun komesa atu trata sira nia lisensa ba comersio nian.

Ami hanoin katak, exekusaun ba DECRETO-LEI N.º 33/2008 de 27 de Agosto kona ba HIGIENE E ORDEM PÚBLICAS sem halo konjugasaun ho DECRETO-LEI N.º 24/2011 de 8 de Junho, LICENCIAMENTO DAS ACTIVIDADES COMERCIAIS, actos ne’ebé exekuta husi GOMMD ho Saneamento nomós Polisia Munispiu Dili ne’e Ilegal. Tanba tuir ami nia hatene katak atu kondena vendedór sira ho DECRETO-LEI N.º 33/2008 de 27 de Agosto kona ba HIGIENE E ORDEM PÚBLICAS,  GOMMD, Saneamento no Polisia tenke hatudu evidensia katak ami kontra norma sira ne’ebé preve iha Decreto Lei ida ne’e. Infelismente la iha, maibé kriminaliza vendedór hotu mak iha. jeneralizasaun krime ne’e tuir ami nia hanoin juridicamente ne’e la los, tanba pratika krime ne’ebé ema ida halo, nia mak responsabiliza ba nia akto, laos halo aplikasaun geral ba ema hotu.

Ho pratika ilegal sira iha leten, hanesan sidadaun ami mós hakarak uza meius legal sira hodi defende ami nia direitu tuir konstituisaun, tanba ne’e bazeia ba artigo artigo 48 konstituisaun Republika Timor-Leste ami hakarak hato’o ami nia exigensia hanesan tuir mai ne’e ba instituisaun estado:

Ami exigi ba Provedor Direitus humanos/PDHJ hodi halo investigasaun no prosesu kazu hirak ne’ebé mak viola direitu vendedór ambulante sira tuir natureza kazu idak-idak (civil no penal) ba Tribunal atu nune’e vendedór sira bele hetan sira nia direitu.

Ami exigi ba Administrasaun Munisipiu Dili, liu liu GOMMD, atu hapara nia aktu ilegal sira kontra ami vendedór ambulante sira tanba ami nia existensia legalmente preve iha Decreto Lei Numero 24/2011.

Ami mós rekomenda ba Ministériu Komersiu Industria no Adminsitrasaun Munisipal Dili hodi suporta no fo espasu turistiku no espasu públiku sira ne’ebé mak ekonomikamente favoravel ba ami hodi halao ami nia negosiu tuir ami nia natureza.

Ami mós rekomenda ba Ministériu Turismo no Ministériu Komersiu hodi fasilita vendedór ambulante sira nia asesu ba registo lisensiamento komersiu tuir Decreto Lei 24/2011.  

Faktus hirak ne’ebé mak ami deklara iha leten bazeia ba violasaun ba ami nia direitu ne’ebé mak ami hetan durante ne’e espesialmente iha loron 14/12/2016 no loron 17/12/2016.

Claudio Amaral Pereira
Portavos Vitima roda tolu

2 - Gestor operasional de Mercado Munisipal de Dili/GOMMD
3 - GOMMD Ho Polisia Haterus Vendedores sira, Domingu, 18 Desember 2016 - 20:40:02 OTL| read: 175, fontes nutisia: www.diariutimorpost.tl, http://www.diariutimorpost.tl/berita-gommd-ho-polisia-haterus-vendedor---.html##ixzz4TLizDnZc


Jornal Nacional, editorial

Tribunal Distrital Díli iha  Segunda (20/12/2016) deside pena prizaun  7 ba arguida Emilia Pires, eis Ministra Finansas no tinan 4 ba arguida Madalena Hanjam eis Vise Ministra Saúde, tanba komete krimi partisipasaun ekonómiku  iha negosiu, artigu 299 kodigu penal Timor Leste.

Ho dezisaun tribunal nian nebe kondena eis governates nain rua nee, hatudu katak durante nee tribunal kondena ona eis membru governu komete korupsaun hamutuk ema nain 4,eis Ministra Justisa, Lucia Lobato ikus mai hetan indultu Presidente Republika,  eis Ministru Edukasaun, João Cancio Freitas sei iha prosesu rekursu inklui eis Ministra Finansas, Emilia Pires no Madalena Hajamh no mos  membru governu balu sei iha prosesu nia laran.

Hakarak ka lakohi, simu ka la simu dezisaun nee tun ona, dezisaun Tribunal Distrital Dili nee justu ka la justu nee kompete ba advogado atu bele hatoo rekursu ba Tribunal Rekursu hodi reve fila fali dezisaun tribunal distrital ninian nee.

Laiha duvida tan katak advogado Emilia ho Madalena Hajam nian sei apresenta rekurus kontra dezisaun Tribunal Distrital Dili nian. No prosesu julgamentu iha Tribunal Rekursu mak sei lori tempo naruk tamba laiha juiz hodi prosesa rekursu sira nee.

Lahatene verdadeiro falta juis iha Tribunal Rekursu maibe realidade katak kazu eis Ministru Edukasaun apresenta rekurus liu tinan ida ona nebe too ohin loron Tribunal Rekursu seidauk toma dezisaun tamba laiha juis hodi prosesa rekursu sira nee.

Antes nee Ministeriu Publiku akuza krime rua, krime administrasun da noza ne’ebé previstu iha artigu 274 kodigu penal ho krimi partisipasaun ekonómiku iha negosiu ne’ebé previstu iha artigu 299  númeru 02 kodigu penal ba Emilia Pires ho Madalena Hajam.

Maibe tuir  tribunal nia haree ba konkursu aperente katak, krimi ne’ebé ho nia natureza la hanesan maibe prezuizu hanesan, tan nee tribunal tenki desidi hodi absolve tiha krimi administrasaun da noza aplika deit krimi participasaun ekonomiku iha negosiu ba arguida sira.

Tribunal mos deside la selu indeminizasaun ruma ba Estadu, tanba arguida nain rua la halo prezuizu ruma ba Estadu, maske antes ne’e iha akuzasaun husi Ministeriu Publiku nian katak, arguida nain rua halo prezuizu ba Estadu  relasiona ho uza osan Estadu  hodi sosa kama ba hospital nasional no referal sira, maibe la uza.

Dezisaun foin mai husi tribunal primeira instansia tamba kondenado nain rua nee tribunal fo tempo loron 15 atu apresenta rekursu nian ba Tribunal Rekurus. Too data rekursu nian termina, kondenada sira la apresenta rekursu mak tribunal fo ordem ba polisia lori kondenada sira ba prizaun hodi kumpri dezisaun nebe iha.

“Agora ha’u hanesan Vise Ministra (Uluk), iha kompetensia atu haree ba servisu hospitalares, politika ekipamentus hospitalares nian, se kama  ne’e tekniku sira dehan diak, PM mos aprova osan no pois aprova mos single source, entaun ha’u Vise Ministra tenki ezekuta…., tanba ne’e ha’u sei  hatama rekursu kona ba ida ne’e,” Madalena Hanjam.

Los duni senhora, apresenta rekursu ba Tribunal Rekursu tamba artigu nebe Ministeriu Publiku uza hodi kondena senhora mak krime administrasun da noza ne’ebé previstu iha artigu 274 kodigu penal maibe ikus mai tribunal absolve.

Agora duvida mak nee tribunal foti ona dezisaun maibe oinsa se kondenada, Emilia Pires dadaun nee iha hela estranjeiru, seidauk fila mai Timor Leste eh lakohi ona atu mai Timor Leste hodi koopera ho justisa.

Karik kordena ho Internasionap police hodi kaptura ka halo akordu ekstradisaun hodi lori ema sira nebe komete krime iha rai laran nebe ba sadera an ka iha nasaun seluk hodi la kumpri dezisaun tribunal nian.

Agora Emilia ba liur lakohi mai Timor Leste nee tuir lolos responsabilidade governo nian tamba governu mak haruka Emilia ba partisipa g7+ hodi lakohi fila mai timor. Keta halo ba iha konspirasaun ruma hodi nunee Emilia  Pires sai ba liu lakohi fila mai timor, lahatene los. *


Prezidenti Repúblika (PR), Taur Matan Ruak, lamenta tebes ho joven sira ne’ebé mak involve-an iha grupu artemarsiais, tanba sira nia hahalok ne’ebé hatudu ba públiku, halo inan-aman mak terus ba be-beik.

Tanba ne’e, Xefi Estadu ne’e bandu  inan aman sira hotu atu labele fó han oan sira ne’ebé inan aman ko’aia la rona, hodi lori problema bebeik ba inan aman sira.

“Fulan kotuk imi iha problema iha ne’e, sunu uma hira motuk, ha’u husu ba ha’u nia oan joven sira labele halo tan hanesan ne’e, no ha’u husu ba inan aman sira atu eduka oan sira, kastigu sira lalika fó han, ha’u nia oan iha uma, nakar ha’u la fó han, tanba nia mate liu ne’e di’ak, ita lakon, mas sei nia ba kastigu, sé mak lori hahan ba fó han nian, ita inan aman mak terus,” dehan PR Taur Matan Ruak ba povu iha Suku Hera, Postu Administrativu Cristo Rei, Munisípiu Díli, liu husi dialogu komunitária, Tersa (20/12).

Xefi Estadu ne’e hatutan, kuandu la mate, ain tohar ka isin ruma moras, nia ba toba iha hospital, inan-aman sira tenki ba hein iha hospital hodi para servisu, mas kuandu sira isin di’ak, inan aman ko’alia la rona.

“Ha’u husu ba ha’u nia oan joven sira, imi tenki hatene no imi tenki hanoin katak, ha’u sorti ona ha’u moris, ema seluk moris mai fulan ida rua de’it mate fali, ita Maromak fó tiha ona ita moris, ita lakohi goza, ita hakarak estraga ita nia moris, hatudu jagoan,” katak Taur Matan Ruak.

Xefi Estadu ne’e hatutan, kuandu oan sira ba halo buat ne’ebé laloos iha liur, inan aman sira mak terus,  pior  liutan, sira nia hahalok ne’e, lori problema ba inan aman no familia.

“Kuandu imi la fó han sira mak sira lori imi ba tribunal, imi hatete ba tribunal katak, Prezidenti Repúblika mak bandu ami labele fó han, tanba ami ko’alia sira la rona,” katak Taur Matan Ruak.

Tanba ne’e, PR Taur Matan Ruak husu nafatin ba inan aman sira atu kastigu oan sira, maibé labele baku, kastigu sira labele fó han, tanba inan aman kole ona desde sira se ki’ik, maibé bo’ot tiha, lori nafatin problema mai inan aman sira.

“Artemarsiais ne’e, ita labele fo todan ba sira, se Antonio mak sala, ita dehan, ema ne’e mak sala, ita labele jeneraliza dehan artemarisiais, tanba ida ne’e ema ida rua nia hahalok,” dehan Taur Matan Ruak.

Xefi Estadu ne’e esplika, kuandu ema ida rua mak sala, tenki buka meus hodi fó sala ba sira, labele temi hotu grupu nia naran.

“Konaba seguransa, iha ha’u nia esperensia vizita Suku barak iha Timor, polisia barak labele halo, presija involvementu joven sira ne’e mak susesu. Tanba imi joven iha Suku ne’e mak kuñese malu,” katak PR Taur Matan Ruak.

Tanba ne’e, Taur Matan Ruak husu ba joven sira atu unidade hodi hametin paz iha Suku Hera.

Taur Matan Ruak mós husu ba autoridade local sira iha Hera atu servisu maka’as hodi buka solusaun ba problema Hera ne’e, tanba laiha problema ida iha Mundu ne’ebe laiha solusaun.

Purtanto, iha sesaun husu no hatan, joven Alexandrinho Araújo Amaral husi Suku Hera dehan, joven sira husi Suku Hera, dala barak moris la hakmatek, tanba problema sempre mosu hela de’it iha ne'e.

“Tanba ne’e, ami husu ba Polisia atu haforsa liu tan regulamentu ne’ebé mak iha atu ami joven bele tauk,” katak Alexandrinho.

Alende ne’e, Jaime da Silva mós dehan, Suku Hera sai hanesan fatin ba komflitus, tanba ne’e, nia husu ba Prezidenti Repúblika  atu hatete ba Komando PNTL, hodi fó orden ba Polisia Hera atu hamosu regulamentu ida forte ba artemarsiais sira.

“Iha fulan kotuk liu ba, akontese situasaun bo’ot ida iha Hera, relasiona ho artemarisias. Tanba ne’e, ami husu ba Parlamentu atu hamosu lei ida hodi regula artemarsiais, i labele halo de’it suspensaun,” dehan nia.cos

Jornal Nacional


Sekretariu Estadu Juventude no Desportu (SEJD), Leovigildo  Hornai hateten, to’o oras ne’e nia parte  seidauk simu informasaun kona-ba Federation International Football Association (FIFA) atu blacklist modalidade futebol iha Timor Leste.

“Ha’u la iha informasaun ba ida ne’e, imformasaun oifisial ba ida ne’e ha’u seidauk hetan husi Federasaun Footbool Timor Leste (FFTL), ha’u mós sei konvoka enkontru ida ho federasaun iha tempu besik,”esplika Leovigildo Hornay ba jornalista, iha Palasiu Governu, Tersa (20/12).

Governante ne’e haktuir, sei iha vizita estrutura federasaun nian sei sai ba iha ambitu jogu sira AFC nian.

“Ha’u sei iha enkontru ho federasaun sira hodi hetan informasaun ne’e husi sira, tanba ita labele koalia antes informasaun sira ne’e iha. Ami mós hein katak,  saida mak informa husi FIFA ho AFC rasik ba iha situasaun ida ne’e,” haktuir Leovigildo Hornay.

Nia dehan, husi parte sira nian seidauk adianta informasaun ruma tanba sei halo lai enkontru ho FFTL.

“Ha’u mos sei halibur tan informasaun sira ne’ebé mak iha liu husi media sosial liu-liu fontes-fontes ne’ebé kridibel para depois ita bele asegura kona-ba informasaun ne’e kredibel ka lae,”esplika Leovigildo Hornay.

Antes  ne’e   fo sai ona   katak,  iha  tempu besik FIFA sei blacklist   futebool iha Timor-Leste,  tantu iha nivel nasional rejional no  internasional, tanba FFTL komete irgularidade  naturalizasaun  jogadores  estranjeirus  husi Brasil.avi

Jornal Nacional

Maioria timor-oan otimista kona-ba futuru nasaun nian - Estudu

Maioria timoroan sira (57%) konsidera katak  nasaun agora di’ak liu kompara ho tinan kotuk, 2% maka piór liu no besik kuartu tolu  (72%) hanoin katak situasaun sei sai di’ak liu iha tinan oin, tuir  estudu  ne’ebé  Lusa hetan asesu.

Ho termu pessoál ka família, besik  tersu ida hosi inkiridu sira (31%) konsidera katak  sira nia situasaun  hahú di’ak iha tinan hirak ikus ne’e, kontra 56%  ne’ebé hatete katak hanesan deit  no 8% piór liu, hatudu  inkéritu ne’e, fó sai ho eskluzivu  ba Ajénsia Lusa.

Estudu  ne’e realiza hosi  Insight Lda hetan supervizaun hosi konsultora Chesapeake Beach no Institutu Republikanu Internasionál (IRI, organizasaun laós-governamentál ida) entre 07 to’o  24 novembru no envolve entrevista direta ba uma ho  mane no feto sira ne’ebé iha tinan 17 ba leten hamutuk 1.200 iha  zona rurál no urbana hotu munisípiu  13 Timor-Leste nian.

Estudu analiza persesaun ekonómiku, polítika no sosiál kona-ba Timor-Leste no relasaun nasaun ho  estranjeiru, entre aspetu seluk, no fó sai iha momentu ida ne’ebé  hebate hela nasaun eleisaun  prezidensiál no lejislativu tinan oin mai.

"Vizaun otimista no entuziasmu ba demokrasia ne’ebé aprezenta iha  estudu maka enkorajador aas", hatete ba Lusa Derek Luyten, diretór rejionál IRI ba Ázia, Derek Luyten.

Opiniaun ho ho kuantidae  inkiridu barak liu maka otimista - 50% konsidera katak situasaun  pessoál ka  família sei sai di’ak no  39% sei hanesan deit. Iha parte seluk 47% konsidera katak demokrasia importante liu duké prosperidade, kontra 31% ne’ebé hanoin kontráriu.

Besik  metade (49%) konsidera katak  Timor-Leste avansa iha dalan loos, pontu neen ne’ebé tuun konpara ho estudu uluk, 2013 nian; no 21% (menus pontu lima) hatete katak  avansa iha dalan ne’ebé laloos, iha aumentu ba pontu 11 ( ba 30%) sira ne’ebé lahatene ka laresponde.

Liu  metade sira ne’ebé dehan katak iha avansu ida pozitivu ba di’ak kona-ba dezenvolvimentu nasionál no oportunidade ekonómiku di’ak liu, 16% di’ak iha infraestrutura, saúde no edukasaun no  6%  ba nasaun moris  iha pás no demokrasia.

Falta iha saúde, edukasaun, infraestrutura (inklui bee, saneamentu, estrada no eletrisidade) sai  fatór prinsipál ba 62% ne’ebé maka pessimista kona-ba diresaun nasaun nian, ho funsionamentu Governu ne’ebé laloos hatudu ho 12%.

Luyten, diretór Divizaun Aziátiku hosi IRI, admite  katak otimizmu ne’ebé mosu iha estudu ne’e " bele halo elite balun hakfodak" iha kapitál timoroan, ne’ebé agora "dalabarak lafó atensaun ba populasaun balun".

Tuir  Dimitar Stojkov, diretór IRI iha Timor-Leste, otimizmu sai tendénsia normál ba nasaun  ida ne’ebé hetan mudansa no dezenvolvimentu maka’as  dezde 2000.

"Ema sira halo komparasaun ba ida ne’e, sei hanaoin atu hetan. Ne’e nia pontu referénsia, saida maka husik ba kotuk ", nia afirma.

Governu timoroan moos iha nota pozitivu, ho 29% konsidera ninia serbisu di’ak tebes no  45% akonsidera  katak "Di’ak", maski  valor hirak ne’e  reprezenta pontu tunn hosi  pursentu 14 ho  2, kada ida. Iha deit  2% hosi sondadu konsidera katak asaun Governu ladi’ak ka aat tebes.

Ho  marjen sala ne’ebé laliu 2,9% iha intervalu médiu, ho nível konfiansa 95%, estudu ne’e realiza ho " prosesu selesaun ida rigorozo multinível aleatóriu", abranje suku no aldeia barak.

Ba iha komparasaun utiliza sondajen hanesan ne’ebé hala’o iha 2013, maibé realiza iha momentu ida  diferente, ka, liu tinan ida hafoin  eleisaun, kontráriu ho agora, ne’ebé realiza molok prezidensiál no lejislativu 2017 nian.

SAPO TL ho Lusa

Portugál hanesan nasaun ne’ebé ho imajen di’ak liu entre timoroan sira - estudu

Portugál hanesan nasaun ida ne’ebé  ho imajen di’ak liu  entre timoroan sira, ho 78% hosi inkiridu sira liuhosi  sondajen nasionál hetan opiniaun " favorável tebes", liu EUA (73%) enasaun  ASEAN - Assosiasaun Nasoins Sudeste Aziátiku (73%).

Iha  sondajen, fó sai eskluzivu ba ajénsia Lusa, Indonézia  hamosu opiniaun " favorável liu" ho 72%  hosi inkiridu sira, Coreia do Sul 70%, Nasoins Unidas 69% no Uniaun Europeia no Austrália ho  65%.

Xina hanesan nasaun ida ne’ebé reúne avaliasaun menus pozitivu: 11% iha opiniaun "ladun favorável", 48% " favorável liu" no 30% "buat ida favorável".

Estudu  ne’e realiza hosi  Insight Lda hetan supervizaun hosi konsultora Chesapeake Beach no Institutu Republikanu Internasionál (IRI, organizasaun laós-governamentál ida) entre 07 to’o  24 novembru no envolve entrevista direta ba uma ho  mane no feto sira ne’ebé iha tinan 17 ba leten hamutuk 1.200 iha  zona rurál no urbana hotu munisípiu  13 Timor-Leste nian.

Aspetu ida ne’ebé  analiza liu iha sondajen maka relasaun ho Austrália, akontese  iha tinan hirak ikus ne’e tensaun tanba Camberra lakohi negosia ho Timor-Leste kona-ba fronteira marítima permanente.

Tanba ne’e, ne’e sai hanesan momentu otimizmu kona-ba prosesu negosiasaun, liliu hafoin ronda reuniaun konfidensiál ikus ne’ebé hala’o entre Timor-Leste no Austrália iha ámbitu Komisaun Konsiliasaun Nasoins Unidas.

Sondajen nota katak  78% antesipa katak atu  relasaun bilaterál sei sai di’ak iha tina lima oin mai, ho  6% a konsidera katak  nafatin deit  no 5% sei sai di’ak liu.

Inkéritu rona moos númeru mane no feto hanesan, ema hirak ne’ebé ho tinan 17 ba leten, ho nível formasaun oioin, ho situasaun laborál oioin no rendimentu diferente.

Estudu ne’e analiza persesaun ekonómiku, polítika no sosiál kona-ba Timor-Leste no relasaun nasaun ho estranjeiru, entre aspetu seluk, no fó sai momentu ida ne’ebé  mosu hela debate iha nasaun kona-ba  eleisaun prezidensiál no lejislativu tinan oin mai.

Análize ne’e konfirma importánsia kresimentu hosi diáspora timoroan – haruka osan  nian uma das mais importantes fontes de receita externa do país.

Iha inkiridu  81% hatete katak iha familia ho tinan  17 ba leten barak lahela iha Timor-Leste, hosi sira 42%  iha Inglaterra - kuaze sira hotu ho passaporte portugés - 24% iha Indonézia, 17% iha Koreia do Sul ( bazeia ba protokolu bilateral), 9% iha Austrália no 8% iha Portugál.

Iha ámbitu seluk, ba persentajen timoroan ne’ebé konsidera feto sira iha kapakidade boot hanesan mane sira hodi  okupa kargu governamentál aumenta ba pontu pursenntuál 13 iha tinan tolu ikus ne’e, ba 82%, no iha deit  7%  iha opiniaun kontráriu.

Opiniaun sira fahe barak liu iha kazu apoiu eleitorál, ho  47% hatete katak laiha diferensa entre mane no feto ho kualifikasaun hanesan karik  kandidata ba kargu ida.

Maioria hosi sondadu sira ( besik  50%) lakonkorda liu  ideia ne’eb’e dehan  líder polítiku sira lafó atensaun ba nesessidade feto  ka joven sira.

SAPO TL ho Lusa

Rai-nakdoko ho 6.5 rejistu iha nordeste Timor-Leste, sein relatu ba estragu ruma

Rai-nakdoko ho magnitude 6,5 rejista iha ohin iha  nordeste Timor-Leste, iha rejiaun Molicas Indonézia nian, tuir  dadus hosi Servisu Jeolójiku Estadus Unidus (USGS), laemite alerta ruma kona-ba tsunami ka reporta estragus ruma.

Rai-nakdoko , ne’ebé akontese foin liubá  oras  tuku 09:00 (lokál nian), ho kilómetru 258  hosi Díli, sente maka’as hosi abitante sira iha kapitál timoroan ho relatu barak  mosu iha foin lalais iha rede sosiál.

Informasaun hosi USGS hatudu katak rai-nakdoko ne’eb’e akontese ho profundidade  kilómetru 158,7.

SAPO TL ho Lusa - Foto: Hipolito Silveira

Hamos Pensaun Vitalisia, Taur: “Ami Agora Hafuhu Malu Hanesan Busa-Laho”

CAIRUI - Debate hodi hamos Pensaun Vitalisia neebe oras nee Parlamentu Nasional deskuti iha  Komisaun Eventual, Prezidente Republika Taur Matan Ruak konsidera Orgaun Estadu hafuhu malu hanesan Busa ho laho.

Informasaun nee Prezidente Republika Taur Matan Ruak fo sai Wainhira hatan Preokupasaun Cosme Urbano neebe husu estadu kona ba insentivu, tamba mandatu remata ona, Lideransa suku mos eleitu liu husi elisaun.

Tuir Cosme Katak Tinan oin Prezidente mos hanesan Eis Prezidente, oras nee lideransa suku neebe la re-eleitu hodi asumi kargu eis lideransa komonitaria karik iha insentivu ba eis liderensa komonitaria.

Oras Nee ami Eis Xefi suku tinan oin, Prezidente Republika Mos ami bolu Eis Prezidente karik neebe hetan Pensaun maibe ami mos iha direitu atu hetan insentivu tamba ami mos liu husi elisaun,” dehan Cosme iha Sesaun husu no hatan entre Prezidente Republika Taur Maran Ruak ho povu suku Cairui, Segunda (19/12/2016).

Hatan ba Prekupasaun nee Prezidente Republika Taur Matan Ruak hatete Pensaun ba Eis titulares no eis membru Orgaun Soberanu sira atu hamos, tan lideransa sira mos ejiji insetivu nee sai problema boot.

Iha fatin hanesan Xefi Joventude suku Cairui, Julio da Costa husu estadu atu fo apoiu komputador ba joven sira iha suku Cairui nunee bele tuir formasaun hodi kontribui ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu neebe lao iha rai laran. Informasaun kompletu iha STL jornal no STL Web, edisaun Kuarta (21/12/2016). Timotio Gusmao

Suara Timor Lorosae

TL-Portugal Halo Kopersaun Lori Fila Emilia, MNEK Seidauk Simu Instrusaun Husi Justisa

DILI - Tribunal  Distrital Dili (TDD), aplika letura akordaun tinan 7 ba Arguida Emilia Pires, maibe Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru Hernani Coelho hateten, seidauk bele halo kopersaun ho Portugal atu lori fial Arguida Emilia, tanba husi Justisa seidauk fo instrusaun legal ba governu liu-liu Ministru negosiu Estranjeiru hodi hare ba kestaun nee.

Tuir MNEK Coelho katak ninia baze prinsipal nee maka, TL iha ka la iha mekanismu koopersaun, iha area justisa ninia, bolu katak estradisaun ninia, se ida nee la iha, nee la bele halo buat ida,nia la hatene Emilia ba Portugal nee hanesan sidadaun Portugal ka hanesan sidadaun TL, se hanesan sidadun Portugal nee komplikadu.

Maibe konba probelma nee too agora hau seidauk simu instrusaun husi justisa, saida maka hau halo, needuni hau la bele halo komentariu lai, koandu instrusaun nee mai ona,  bele hare ninia mekanismu desposisaun legal saida maka iha amibitu kopersaun entre Timor ho Portugal, sira bele uza hodi halo serbisu sira neebe relevante husi Ministeriu sira husu nee, tanba nee maka hau ohin adianta, tanba hau seidauk simu instrusoes husi Tribunal konba kestaun ida nee,” hateten Coelho, ba Jornalista sira, hafoin remata, Konsellu Ministru, iha Palasiu Governu, Tersa (20/12/2016).

Tanba nee ohin nia koalia nee konba kontestu jeral, konsetu jeral nee iha buat ida bolu naran mutuar judisiar system ou konba akordu estradisaun, buat sira nee para aplika. Nia mos aumenta tan katak TL tama duni ba Nasaun CPLP hamutuk ho Portugal, maibe buat nee ketak ida, tanba CPLP nee koalia liu konba Koopersaun Lingua Portages no konsertasaun Diplomatika, tanba nee husu konba Emilia nia nee halai ses dook liu ona.

Iha parte seluk Juiz Jose Maria de Araujo husu ba Ministeriu Publiku (MP), atu kaptura lalais Arguida Eimilia Pires, neebe maka sei iha Portugal. Informasaun kompletu iha STL jornal no STL Web, edisaun Kuarta (21/12/2016). Joao Anibal

Suara Timor Lorosae

TL Hatene Estraga Osan, La hatene Maneza

DILI - Timor Leste Durante nee foti ona osan billaun 8 resin husi fundu petroliferu, hodi hadia dezenvolvimentu ba povu no nasaun, maibe ukun nain sira hatene foti osan hodi estraga, la hatene atu maneza hodi hadia povu no nasaun nia moris, tanba nee povu nafatin kiak e hakilar bebeik konba dezenvolvimentu.

Lia hirak nee hatoo husi Ekonomista Abrao Sousa, ba STL iha nia knar fatin, Liseu, Dili, Tersa (20/12/2016).

Ita lamentavel tebes ho ejekusaun Orsamentu Jeral do Estadu (OJE), tanba katak tinan sira sempre foti osan 1 billaun resin, atu hadia povu no nasaun nia moris, maibe nufin durante nee sira foti ona osan billaun 8 resin, maibe ita nia dezenvolvimentu sei lao markarpasu, povu sei kiak, neec signifika katak sirahatene foti osan hodi hariku sira nia aan, maibe sira la hatene maneza osan hodi halo0 serbisu,” hateten Abrao.

Ekonomista nee aumenta tan katak kada tinan ukun nain sira nee hatama sira nia planu no programa serbisu nee diak tebes, maibe implementasaun iha terenu nee jero, tanba nee sira fo izemplu konaba infrastrutura estrada protokolu husi Munisipiu ba too postu administrativu kondisaun sei grave.

Iha fatin hanesan Deputadu Agostinho Lay mos hatutan, husi inisiu too agora governu gasta ona Billaun 8 ba dezenvolvimentu iha rai laran, no hare ba realidade hatudu duni mudansa boot maske Estrada iha area remotas sira nee balun sei aat no povu sei prekupa bee mos, maibe buat sira nee hotu la signifika katak, dezenvolvimentu iha rai laran la lao, maibe dezenvolvimemtu abansadu tebes.

Nunee mos Peskizador Lao Hamotuk Juvinal Diaz mos hatutan katak, governu gasta ona osan husi Fundu Mina rai nian billaun 8, maibe hare ba realidade seidauk refleta ho povu nia moris, povu kontinua moris kiak, povu iha area rural seidauk asesu ba merkadu. Informasaun kompletu iha STL jornal no STL Web, edisaun Kuarta (21/12/2016). Joao Anibal

Suara Timor Lorosae

Ivo: Prezidente Fo Indultu, Presiza Paraser Husi MP Ho TD

DILI – Ulun Boot Igreja Katolika Roma, Papa Fransisco husu ba Prezidente Republika Timor Leste Taur Matan Ruak, atu tama ba natal no tinan foun, perdua prizoneiru sira nia sala, hodi fo indultu Prizonerius sira neebe maka iha Prizaun.

Ba kestaun nee Ministru Justisa Ivo Valente dehan, wanhira fo indultu ba prizoneiru ruma, tenke paraser mai husi Ministeriu Publiku (MP) no Tribunal Distrital (TD) sira, mesmu ulun boot igreza maka husu.

Ita atu fo indultu ba Prizounerus sira presiza paraser husi Ministeriu Publiku, Tribunal Distrital sira, nee tuir prosedementu lei foun nia, agora sei iha prosesu hela, tanba ida nee Prezidente Republika nia kompetensia atu deside,” dehan Ivo hafoin remata, enkontru Konsellu Ministru, iha Palasiu Governu, Tersa (20/12/2016).

Ministru Justisa Ivo mos aumenta tan katak atu aprezenta dadus prizoneiru sira neebe atu hetan indultu, sei liu husi nia atu atu berifika, foin entrega ba Prezidente atu fo indultu, tanba fo indultu nee kompetensia Prezidente Republika nia.

Iha parte seluk Ativista Luis do Rego hateten prizoneirus sira iha prizaun, barak maka kometer krimi hanesan oho ema, violensia seksual, nauk ten niklui sira koruptor sira. Informasaun kompletu iha STL jornal no STL Web, edisaun Kuarta (21/12/2016). Joao Anibal

Suara Timor Lorosae