segunda-feira, 18 de abril de 2016

Papa lori refujiadu síriu 12 ba Vatikanu - Ofisiál

Família refujiadu síriu tolu sa’e aviaun ne’ebé sei lori papa Francisco fila ba Vatikanu hafoin vizita ba illa grega Lesbos, informa Vatikanu.

"Papa hakarak iha jestu simu simu refujiadu sira", lori iha aviaun ba Roma "família refujiadu tolu hosi Síria, hamutuk ema na’in 12, inklui labarik na’in neen", informa Vatikanu iha komunikadu ida.

Família sira ne’e hosi relijiaun musulmana, rua hosi Damasku no ida seluk hosi Deir Ezzor, sidade síria ne’ebé lokaliza iha territóriu sira ne’ebé grupu extremista Estadu Izlámiku sira mak kontrola.

Tuir 'media' italianu sira, refujiadu sira, entre sira ne’e iha labarik, sei simu hosi komunidade Santu Egídio.

Aviaun ba papa ne’e sai hosi aeroportu kapitál Lesbos, Mitilene, iha tuku 15:15 lokál (tuku 13:15 iha Lisboa) no sei tun iha Roma iha tuku 16:30 lokál (tuku 15:30 iha Lisboa).

SAPO TL ho Lusa

Ema armadu na’ok indonéziu na’in haat iha largu Filipinas

Grupu ho ema armadu sira na’ok mariñeiru indonéziu na’in haat iha largu kosta Filipinas nian, enkuantu na’in neen konsege halai, informa Ministériu Negósiu Estranjeiru horisehik.

Ministériu indonéziu hatete katak rebelde sira hosi grupu terrorista Abu Sayyaf halo asaltu ba “rebocador ho barcaça” iha tuku 18:00 loron-sesta (11:00 iha Lisboa) iha tasi viziñu ho Malázia no Filipina.

Tripulante na’in neen hosi sanulu iha ró sira-nia laran konsege halai, no  ema armadu sira hakanek tiha ida.

Ema sira ne’e hetan tulun hosi polísia marítima malaia no lori sira ba portu Lahat Datu nian.

Embarkasaun sira, ne’ebé hosi Cebu, iha Filipinas, bá Tarakan.

"Ministériu halo koordenasaun ho empreza na’in ba ró sira-nian, no mós ho autoridade sira hosi Malázia no Filipina", hatete.

Insidente ne’e akontese hafoin, iha fulan kotuk, mariñeiru indonéziu na’in sanulu grupu extremista Abu Sayyaf, iha ligasaun ho Al-Qaida kaer, ne’ebé ezije tulun dólar millaun ida, ne’ebé governu indonéziu rejeita.

Abu Sayyaf hari’i iha 1991 hosi grupu eis-kombatente iha Funu Afeganistaun kontra antiga Uniaun Soviétika.

Grupu halo atentadu fakar-ran iha tinan hirak ikus ne’e iha Filipina no na’ok ema barak, liuhosi sira ne’ebé finansia.

SAPO TL ho Lusa

Númeru ema mate tanba rai-nakdoko iha Japaun sa’e ba 41

Autoridade japonés sira atualiza númeru ema mate tanba rai-nakdoko iha sudoeste Japaun, sa’e ba 41, maybe sei iha kanek barak iha edifísiu sira monu nia okos no númeru ne’e bele sa’e.

Rejiaun Kumamoto, iha illa Kyushu, akontese rai-nakdoko maka’as iha oras 48 ikus ne’ebé provoka destruisaun, inséndiu no rai-halai.

"Ita hatene katak iha ema iha edifísiu sira be monu nia okos iha fatin barak. Polísia, bombeiru no forsa autodefeza sira [ezérsitu] halo hela buat hotu hodi bele tulun sira", tenik portavós governu nian, Yoshihide Suga, iha konferénsia imprensa.

Pelumenus ema rihun hetan kanek, 184 hosi sira ne’e todan, haktuir autoridade lokál sira.

Rezidente 90.000 resin iha rejiaun sai hosi sira-nia hela-fatin, entre sira ne’e abitante 300 hosi zona mota, besik iha barrajen iha risku ba rotura.

"Uluk liu ita tenke salva vida, ita tenke halo lalais", tenik primeiru-ministru, Shinzo Abe, ne’ebé kansela tiha vizita ba zona no konvoka konsellu krize nian, hafoin fó orden ba militár 20.000 ba rejiaun refere.

Ida ikus no forte liu, ho magnitude 7,3 iha eskala Richter, akontese iha horisehik madrugada iha episentru profundidade kilómetru 10 iha kosta osidentál illa Kyushu, iha liu súl hosi prinsipál illa japonés haat.

Rai-nakdoko dahuluk, ho magnitude 7,0, akontese iha loron-kinta iha zona ne’ebé hanesan, hamate ema na’in sanulu no 1.126 hetan kanek no obriga ema 44.000 husik hela sira-nia hela-fatin.

Horikedas rai-nakdoko dahuluk rejista replica 300 resin iha rejiaun Kumamoto no Oita.

Ajénsia alerta ba probabilidade rei sei nakdoko tan, balun ho intensidade boot, no ba risku rai-halai tan, tanba previzaun udan-boot maka’as durante findesemana iha rejiaun.

SAPO TL ho Lusa

East Timor is mad as hell, and it’s our fault

Jose Belo (left) and Commander David Alex (right) Photo: John Martinkus
John Martinkus*

The East Timorese may be poor, but they are not stupid. And we need to stop exploiting them, writes freelance journalist John Martinkus.

In 1995, as I squatted for days in a hole in the jungle of East Timor with 12 men hiding from Indonesian troops patrolling nearby, the whispered conversations between the Falintil Guerrillas and myself turned to oil. We had plenty of time to talk, admittedly very quietly to not alert the Indonesians of our presence they sometimes came so close we could hear their boots in the undergrowth. The issue of the Timor Gap treaty came up. They were having a bit of a go at the foreigner in their midst, whom they were then protecting with their lives so I could get a story. A story at the time I wasn’t even sure I could sell.

Australia had signed the Timor Gap treaty with the Indonesians way back in December 1989, dividing up the resources that lay between East Timor and its nearest international neighbor, Australia, and those resources were mostly a giant oil reserve. Australia got a great deal, with the line dividing what oil would belong to Indonesia and what oil would belong to Australia significantly favouring Australia.

Indonesia went along with it mainly to guarantee Australia’s ongoing support for its occupation of East Timor, which it had maintained internationally since the 1975 invasion. Australia was the only country in the world to recognise Indonesian sovereignty, and the Timor Gap treaty that gave us the majority of the oil was our pay-off for ignoring the atrocities carried out on our doorstep by the Indonesian military against the East Timorese. The 12 guys sitting in that hole in the jungle, armed with a few captured M16s and old Portuguese weapons left over from the colonial army and a tarpaulin and some bushes the only protection against the hundreds of Indonesian troops searching for us, knew that. They knew Australia, on both sides of politics, had screwed East Timor.

We all know the story from there. The UN got involved after Suharto was ousted in 1998. The independence ballot was held, and the Timorese voted overwhelmingly in favour. The Indonesians burnt, looted, killed and displaced at least a third of the population. Outrage in Australia, but more importantly, pressure from then-US president Bill Clinton to clean up the mess he had helped create forced the hapless John Howard to send in a peacekeeping force led by Peter Cosgrove, now Australian Governor-General. We, Australians, were greeted as liberators and cheered in the streets still littered with the corpses of the victims of the Indonesian rampage in a city still burning with fires lit in revenge by the retreating occupiers. I was there, and suddenly, after years of working in that country, I felt proud to be an Australian.

Fast forward to 2016. Last month, 10,000 East Timorese protested against the unfair maritime boundary, which gives Australia the lion’s share of the oil in the Timor Sea, outside the Australian Embassy. Dili is a small town. Protesters blocked the road to the airport and all the regions to the west of the country for hours. They were peaceful. They know how to demonstrate; they have a lot of experience. They were protesting about the oil deal and Australia’s refusal to revisit what we know has always been an unfair agreement.

This week, Labor foreign affairs spokeswoman Tanya Plibersek finally addressed years of Australian hypocrisy. Australia has always lectured other countries on human rights issues, on following international law, on being responsible global citizens. But, on Timor, we never practised what we preached. In a refreshing gust of common sense and decency the ALP finally changed its policy on Timor, the oil and the agreement.

As Plibersek put it in her statement:

“Timor-Leste suffered decades of war and starvation before gaining independence. Australia played a key role in securing that independence a proud moment for our nation. But the maritime boundary dispute has strained relations with our newest neighbour. Australia’s unwillingness to commit to maritime border negotiations with Timor-Leste has raised valid questions about our commitment to a rules-based international system and to being a good global citizen. This must change. Labor in government will immediately commence discussions on a voluntary, binding international resolution for a permanent maritime boundary between Australia and Timor-Leste. It is in the national interest of both countries that we do so. And importantly, by committing to freely participating in it, Labor’s proposal is in the interests of the international system itself. We are seeking to end more than 40 years of uncertainty over a maritime border, and committing to international norms that we expect others to follow”.

Finally, a mainstream Australian politician has come out and said what has been painfully obvious for so long. Australia has bullied, lied, spied on and used our own military as leverage to secure an inequitable deal over the resources that lie between Australia and East Timor. First we did it by coalescing and turning a blind eye to the Indonesian invasion and subsequent atrocities, right up until 1999, and some would argue, after. Both Labor and Liberal governments did that for 24 years.

Then when East Timor got independence we basically wrestled them into a deal that massively favoured Australian companies and the Australian government in terms of revenues. We stole the oil. It is well documented, the spying on negotiations, the pressure applied to Timorese politicians to sign a deal they knew was unjust. The relentless pursuit of journalists and whistleblowers involved in the negotiations by federal authorities. We bullied one of the poorest countries in the world into accepting an unfair deal. They took it because, at that time, they were broke, and we knew that and used that against them. It is no wonder 10,000 of them turned up to the Australian Embassy in Dili to protest against this. They may be poor, but they are not stupid.

That is the lesson I learnt all those years ago back in the jungle. They may have had no shoes and had not eaten for a week and lived hiding in ditches from Indonesian troops (US and Australian supplied and trained at the time) trying to hunt them, but they could quote the agreements made internationally to deny them of their natural birthright with more accuracy than diplomats, journalists and academics.

The right to the resources of their country is in their blood, and at last Plibersek has acknowledged that.

* Dr Vacy Vlazna in Comments: Every word of Martinkus is loaded with fact and truth. He was often the only journalist in East Timor and literally risked his life to inform the Australian public about how our government put trade pragmatism over the lives of the people of East Timor ( it goes a long way to explain the blithe cruelty of government asylum seeker policies). Today, that greed persists as our government, the representatives that we vote for, our political servants, unconscionably rip off our poorest neighbour. Just as we pressured Howard to send Interfet to Timor, we have the power to demand that the government does the right thing by international law and by our next door neighbours, the impoverished Timorese.