dadauk ne’e media
nasional sira hato’o katak Timor-Leste kaer tan Ró ahi peska nian
hamutuk hat (4). Ró sira ne’e kaptura husi forsa
F-FDTL Komponente Naval iha area tasi Metinaro nian iha loron 28
Agostu tinan 2015. Deskonfia Ró peska
ilegal ho material peska nian ho nia kru ema hamutuk nain 58 husi sidadaun
Indonezia dadaun ne’e detein no hein hela prosesu investigasaun.
ba estudu ne’ebé iha katak desde tinan 2006 deteta Ró hamutuk 30 no tinan 2011
aumenta 25 maka kaer
ikan ho ilegalmente iha tasi parte leste no ba kosta sul nian. Ró
peska ilegal sira ne’ebé mai naok ikan iha tasi Timor mai husi
Thailandia, Xina no maoria mai husi Indonezia.
sa Timor-Leste nia tasi no rekursu sira iha tasi
laran kontinua ameasadu ho ema ilegal sira? Antes ne’e Prezidenti Republika
Taur Matan Ruak fo atensaun katak Timor-Leste
kontinua lakon ikan iha tasi laran. Dadus ne’e iha istima katak kada
tinan Timor-Leste lakon U$ 36 miliaun ba ikan ne’ebé peskador ilegal sira naok.
Autoridade sivil ba Defeza no Seguransa nian bei-beik hateten Timor-Leste sei
latolera ameasa saida deit maka hasoru suberania nasional no riku soin iha
tasi. Nune’e Ministru Estadu, Koordenadór Asunto Ekonómiku no Ministru
Agrikultura no Peska, Estanislau da Silva fo sai iha media Indonezia katak sei
halo mout ka tiru rahun tiha Ró peska ilegal ne’ebé tama iha Timor-Leste. FM
nia hare aktividade kontrabandu sira seluk, peska ilegal, tranportasaun sasan
ilegal, ai, droga sei utiliza dalan tasi nian. Desizaun tiru rahun Ró
peska ilegal ne’e atu halo tauk peskador
ilegal no aktividade ilegal seluk tama mai Timor-Leste?
kestaun seluk FM nia monitorizasaun nota katak liña fronteira ne’ebé seidauk
klaru mos sai dezafiu ida ba autoridade siguransa sira define area operasaun
nian. Ida ne’e problema sufistikadu ne’ebé Timor-Leste infrenta iha area
marítima. Timor-Leste liga fronteira tasi ho Indonezia no Australia. Iha
rekursu oin-oin ikan, ahu ruin no rekursu tasi sira seluk ne’ebé tempu ona
Timor-Leste tenki asegura.
nia hanoin presiza polítika no desizaun ida ne’ebé klaru atu asegura risku sira
ne’ebé afeita tasi Timor nian husi aktividade ilegal sira. Prosesu
investigasaun ba autor peska ilegal sira tenki ho rigor. Hasae kapsidade
autoridade seguransa tasi nian forsa naval F-FDTL no mos PNTL, hadia
infrastrutura no fornese ekipamentus operasional ne’ebé sufisienti atu hasae
nivel seguransa diak iha tasi laran.
is the Solution for Stopping Illegal Fishing within Timor-Leste’s Borders?
national media recently reported that Timor-Leste’s
F-FDTL naval forces detained more than four (4) cat a Metinaro-area
beach on August 28th, 2015. The boats were suspected of carrying fishing
material with 58 people from Indonesia. The suspects are currently being
detained and awaiting an investigation process.
survey reports that since 2006, Timor-Leste has detected 30 boats, including 25
boats in 2011, engagingin
illegal fishing in the eastern and southern areas of Timor-Leste’s waters. The
boats and illegal fishermen originated from Thailand and China, and many of
them were found to be from Indonesia.
are Timor-Leste’s seas and resources under threat of
illegal fishing? Previously, the President of the Republic, Taur Matan
Ruak, has said that Timor-Leste continues to lose its fishing resources year by
year. Data on illegal fishing for the past few years estimates that every year
Timor-Leste loses US $36 million of fish and resources stolen by illegal
fisheries. Civil authorities of security and defence have steadily
maintained that Timor-Leste will not tolerate any such threats against national
state sovereignty, nor against Timor-Leste’s richness in maritime resources. Therefore,
the State Ministry Coordinator of Economic Issue and Ministry of Agriculture
and Fisheries, Estanislau Aleixo da Silva, declared to Indonesian media that TL
will destroy any
illegal boat that enter Timor-Leste’s boundaries. However, in FM’s opinion,
foreigners and criminals
will continue to use the sea as an alternative method for shipping contraband,
illegal fishing, and the transport of wood and drugs. Is the
decision to destroy illegal boats intended to frighten illegal fisheries and
criminals engaged in other illegal activity away from Timor-Leste?
monitoring noted that Timor-Leste’s undefined maritime borders remain a
challenge as well for TL security forces in defining their operational areas. It
is a complex issue that Timor-Leste faces in its maritime area. Timor-Leste
shares maritime borders with Indonesia and Australia, and there are a variety
of resources (fish, coral, etc.) that need to be secured by Timor-Leste.
posits that the country needs to formulate a clear policy and decision to
address the risk of illegal fishing in the Timor Sea. The investigation process
of those complicit in the activities of illegal fisheries must be rigorous. TL
must increase the capacities of its maritime security, particularly the F-FDTL
naval forces and PNTL. Furthermore, the country should improve its security
infrastructure and provide sufficient operational equipment to improve its
security of the sea.
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