World Vision no Ministériu Agrikultura no Peskas kuda ai-horis 900 hodi apoiu inisiativa prezidente nian atu hamatak fali Timor-Leste
World Vision no Ministériu Agrikultura no Peskas kuda ai-horis 900 hodi apoiu inisiativa prezidente nian atu hamatak fali Timor-Leste
14 Janeiru 2019 – World Vision no Ministériu Agrikultura no Peskas kuda ona ai-horis hamutuk 900 iha Domingu, ho estudante no komunidade sira iha Munisípiu Aileu no Bobonaro. Ne’e atu fó apoiu ba Programa Kuda Ai-horis Nasionál – inisiativa ida husi Prezidente Repúblika, Dr. Francisco Guterres “Lú-Olo” ho objetivu atu hamatak fali Timor-Leste.
Governu Timor-Leste deklara ona loron 13 Janeiru iha Domingu núdar Loron Kuda Ai-horis Nasionál hodi hasa’e konxiénsia kona-ba floresta, konservasaun ambientál ba ema no balada sira, no garante dezenvolvimentu ekonómiku ba Timor-Leste liuhusi florestasaun.
Atu selebra loron ne’e iha Aileu, World Vision hamutuk ho Diretór Agrikultura, Administradór Munisípiu, PNUD, no lider sira suku nian, mestre/a, juventude no membru komunidade sira kuda ona ai-horis hamutuk 700 iha área Eskola Primária Teblor iha Suku Bandudato.
Administradór Munisípiu Aileu, João Tilman do Rego, dehan “Autoridade lokál nafatin koopera ho World Vision hodi kuda ai-horis sira. Ami garante katak sira (ai-horis) sei moris tanba ita kuda ona ita tempu udan, no komunidade, liu-liu mestre/a no estudante sira iha eskola primária ne’e mak sai na’in. Tanba ne’e ai-horis sira ne’e sei iha impaktu pozitivu ba sira iha futuru.”
Diretór Eskola Primária Teblor, Rofino dos Santos, dehan ai-horis sei fó benefísiu ba estudante eskola primária 55 liuhusi fó mahon, no proteje sira husi anin no prevene erozaun.
“Eskola hale’u ho arame farpadu, nune’e ha’u garante katak ai-horis sira sei moris tanba ami sei tau matan nafatin. Ha’u hein katak iha tempu badak ami-nia eskola bele garante ona prevensaun ba erozaun, anin no mudansa klimátika,” dehan Sr Dos Santos.
World Vision orgullu atu partisipa ho ita-nia komunidade sira no governu hodi selebra Loron Kuda Ai-horis Nasionál. Ami-nia projetu sira servisu ho agrikultór no komunidade sira atu promove konservasaun, jestaun ba rekursu naturais no reflorestasaun, hodi proteje ambiente no kria oportunidade ba rendimentu longu-prazu atu garante prosperidade labarik no família Timor-oan,” dehan Diretór País Interinu World Vision, Thomas Benton.
World Vision-nia projetu agrikultura sira treina agrikultór sira iha téknika ida ba restaurasaun rai ho kustu ki’ik bolu Agrikultór Maneja Rejenerasaun Naturál (FMNR), ne’ebé envolve ona ba jestaun no ko’a ai-sanak hodi moris fila-fali ai sira no ai-oan. Métodu simples ne’e, efikás liu, atu fó benefísiu ba família agrikultór sira iha Munisípiu Aileu, Baucau, Bobonaro, no Covalima. Ohin loron, ektare 130 rai iha Timor-Leste rejenerasaun ona liuhusi FMNR.
Informasaun ba mídia, kontaktu:
Jaime dos Reis, Koordenadór Senior ba Komunikasaun no Advokasia
Mobile: +670 7738-0585
Email: jaime_dosreis@wvi.org
World Vision and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries plant 900 trees to support the President’s initiative to re-green Timor-Leste
14 January 2019 – World
Vision and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries planted 900 trees on
Sunday with schools and communities in Aileu and Bobonaro Municipalities. This
was in support of the National Tree Planting Program – an initiative of the
President of the Republic, Dr Francisco Guterres ‘Lú-Olo’ that aims to re-green
The Government of Timor-Leste declared Sunday 13 January as National Day of Reforestation to raise awareness about forestry, environmental conservation for humans and animals, and ensuring economic development for Timor-Leste through forestation.
To celebrate the day in Aileu, World Vision joined the Director of Agriculture, Municipality Administrator, UNDP, village leaders, teachers, youth and community members to plant 700 trees around the Teblor Elementary School in Bandudato village.
Aileu Municipality Administrator, João Tilman do Rego said, “Local authorities always cooperate with World Vision to plant trees. We guarantee that they will grow because we have planted in the rainy season, and the community, especially the teachers and students in this elementary school, are the owners. So these trees will have a positive impact on them in the future.”
Teblor Elementary School Principal, Rofino dos Santos said the trees would benefit 55 elementary school students by providing shade and protection from wind, and preventing erosion.
“The school is surrounded by barbed wire fences, so I guarantee that the trees will grow because we will always be watching. I hope that in a short period our school can guarantee the prevention of erosion, wind and climate change,” Mr dos Santos said.
“World Vision is proud to participate with our communities and the government to celebrate National Day of Reforestation. Our projects work with farmers and communities to promote conservation, natural resource management and reforestation, to protect the environment and create long-term income opportunities to ensure the wellbeing of Timorese children and families,” said Acting World Vision Timor-Leste Country Director, Thomas Benton.
World Vision’s agricultural projects train farmers in a low-cost land restoration technique called Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR), which involves the management and pruning of the regrowth of trees and shrubs. This simple, yet effective method is benefiting farming families in Aileu, Baucau, Bobonaro, and Covalima Municipalities. To date,130 hectares of land
in Timor-Leste has been regenerated through FMNR.
For media enquiries contact:
Jaime dos Reis, Senior Communications and Advocacy Coordinator
Mobile: +670 7738-0585 Email: jaime_dosreis@wvi.org
Photo: 1
Caption: Teblor Elementary School Principal, Rofino plants a tree near his school yard to celebrate National Day of Reforestation on 13 January. Photo: Jaime dos Reis/World Vision.
Rubrika: Diretór Eskola Primária Teblor, Rofino dos Santos kuda ai-horis ida besik nia eskola fatin hodi selebra Loron Kuda Ai-horis Nasionál iha 13 Janeiru. Foto: Jaime dos Reis/World Vision.
Photo 2:
The Government of Timor-Leste declared Sunday 13 January as National Day of Reforestation to raise awareness about forestry, environmental conservation for humans and animals, and ensuring economic development for Timor-Leste through forestation.
To celebrate the day in Aileu, World Vision joined the Director of Agriculture, Municipality Administrator, UNDP, village leaders, teachers, youth and community members to plant 700 trees around the Teblor Elementary School in Bandudato village.
Aileu Municipality Administrator, João Tilman do Rego said, “Local authorities always cooperate with World Vision to plant trees. We guarantee that they will grow because we have planted in the rainy season, and the community, especially the teachers and students in this elementary school, are the owners. So these trees will have a positive impact on them in the future.”
Teblor Elementary School Principal, Rofino dos Santos said the trees would benefit 55 elementary school students by providing shade and protection from wind, and preventing erosion.
“The school is surrounded by barbed wire fences, so I guarantee that the trees will grow because we will always be watching. I hope that in a short period our school can guarantee the prevention of erosion, wind and climate change,” Mr dos Santos said.
“World Vision is proud to participate with our communities and the government to celebrate National Day of Reforestation. Our projects work with farmers and communities to promote conservation, natural resource management and reforestation, to protect the environment and create long-term income opportunities to ensure the wellbeing of Timorese children and families,” said Acting World Vision Timor-Leste Country Director, Thomas Benton.
World Vision’s agricultural projects train farmers in a low-cost land restoration technique called Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR), which involves the management and pruning of the regrowth of trees and shrubs. This simple, yet effective method is benefiting farming families in Aileu, Baucau, Bobonaro, and Covalima Municipalities. To date,
For media enquiries contact:
Jaime dos Reis, Senior Communications and Advocacy Coordinator
Mobile: +670 7738-0585 Email: jaime_dosreis@wvi.org
Photo: 1
Caption: Teblor Elementary School Principal, Rofino plants a tree near his school yard to celebrate National Day of Reforestation on 13 January. Photo: Jaime dos Reis/World Vision.
Rubrika: Diretór Eskola Primária Teblor, Rofino dos Santos kuda ai-horis ida besik nia eskola fatin hodi selebra Loron Kuda Ai-horis Nasionál iha 13 Janeiru. Foto: Jaime dos Reis/World Vision.
Photo 2:
World Vision and the Ministry of Agriculture planted 200 seedlings in Bobonaro Municipality to celebrate National Day of Reforestation. Photo: Zito A. Soares Xavier/World Vision
World Vision no Ministériu Agrikultura kuda ona ai-horis 200 iha Munisípiu Bobonaro hodi selebra Loron Kuda Ai-horis Nasionál. Foto: Zito A. Soares Xavier/World Vision
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