sexta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2017

North Korea: The End of the Nuclear Taboo?

Is the North Korean nuclear crisis slowly eroding the so-called nuclear taboo?

By Franz-Stefan Gady | The Diplomat

This summer’s nuclear showdown between the United States and North Korea, largely manufactured by the bravado and bluster of the President of the United States, seemed to conclude “not with a bang but with a whimper,” until yesterday’s missile test overflying Japan. As a result, the underlying question, how to best prevent a U.S.-North Korean nuclear war, as Pyongyang continues to push for “full spectrum deterrence,” endures.

Among other things, this summer’s crisis highlights the belief held by some U.S. policymakers that an alleged irrational actor such as North Korea cannot be deterred from launching its nuclear missiles by threatening nuclear retaliation. For example, U.S. National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster in an interview this month said that “classical deterrence theory” does not apply to North Korea. At the same time, U.S. officials (including U.S. President Donald Trump) have repeatedly floated the idea of preemptive military strikes against North Korean missile sites as an ostensible last ditch effort to deter Pyongyang.

Given that North Korea has time and again made it clear that it would immediately counter any conventional attack with overwhelming force including nuclear weapons (Vipin Narang has coined this posture “Asymmetric Escalation”), U.S. preemptive military strikes would almost certainly trigger a North Korean nuclear response. North Korea has expanded its nuclear arsenal to up to 30 weapons. Once such a response occurs, the United States might retaliate in kind and launch nuclear missiles.  The result would be the end of a powerful moral taboo about the use of nuclear weapons. Indeed, once the spell is broken after the first nuclear bomb has exploded, the likelihood of nuclear war in other parts of the world will have increased markedly.

Underlying the so-called nuclear taboo, a burgeoning international norm against the use of nuclear weapons, is that nuclear deterrence — a function of a country’s nuclear capabilities, doctrine, and command and control procedures for launching nuclear weapons — alone has not prevented nuclear war since 1945, but rather a gradual international consensus that prohibits states from ever using the “Bomb.” This hypothesis is backed up by the work of several scholars. Nina Tannenwald in an influential paper (followed by a book), argues:

A normative prohibition on nuclear use has developed in the global system, which, although not (yet) a fully robust norm, has stigmatized nuclear weapons as unacceptable weapons of mass destruction (…) Ultimately, in delegitimizing nuclear weapons, the nuclear taboo has constrained the practice of self-help in the international system. States are not free to resort to nuclear weapons without incurring moral opprobrium or political costs. National leaders are forced to seek alternative technologies for use in war or defense or else risk being classified as outside the bounds of ‘civilized’ international society.

Indonesia: Government must make public the 2005 fact-finding report on Munir’s case

In commemorating the thirteen years after the killing of human rights defender Munir Said Thalib, 7th of September 2017, the undersigned regional and international human rights organizations call on the Indonesian President Joko Widodo to take decisive and concrete action to ensure those responsible – including those at the highest levels – are brought to justice. As a first key step towards establishing the truth, President Widodo must release the 2005 report prepared by an official fact-finding team into Munir’s killing. Munir was a prominent Indonesian human rights campaigner who took up the cause of dozens of activists who had been subjected to enforced disappearances during the last months of the Suharto’s regime in 1998.

As a human rights defender, Munir played a significant role in uncovering evidence of security forces’ responsibility for human rights violations in Aceh, Papua and Timor-Leste. He received numerous threats as a result of his human rights work. In August 2003, a bomb exploded outside his home in Jakarta. In 2002 and 2003, the KontraS (the Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence) office where he worked was attacked by a mob, who destroyed office equipment and forcibly took files containing information about ongoing human rights investigations.

Munir was found dead on a Garuda Airlines flight from Jakarta to Amsterdam on 7 September 2004. An autopsy carried out by the Dutch authorities showed that he died as a result of arsenic poisoning. In December 2004 the Indonesian authorities formed an official fact-finding team to investigate the murder. Although three Garuda Airlines staff were convicted of the killing, there are credible allegations that those responsible at the highest levels of government have not yet been brought to justice. In 2008, Muchdi Purwoprandjono, a former deputy director of the state intelligence agency, was acquitted of soliciting and assisting in the killing of Munir. Indonesian law scholars and human rights groups found that the trial was fundamentally flawed. Key prosecution witnesses retracted their sworn testimonies and failed to testify in court. In February 2010, the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) also identified flaws in the police investigation, prosecution and trial of Muchdi Purwoprandjono and recommended a new police investigation.

In September 2016, President Widodo made a public pledge to resolve the case of Munir. But the Indonesian authorities have still not published the 2005 report of the independent fact-finding team on Munir’s killing, whose finding reportedly implicated senior intelligence officers. This violates the Presidential Decree No. 111/2004 on the establishment of the fact finding team on Munir’s killing which obliged the government to make the report public.

In October 2016, the Public Information Commission ruled that the 2005 report should be made public after Suciwati, Munir’s wife, filed a public information request to the Commission. However, in February 2017, the Administrative Court repealed the Commission’s decision on the grounds that the current government under the administration of President Widodo had not received the report from the previous government and therefore did not possess the document. Subsequently, in August 2017, the Supreme Court upheld the Administrative Court’s decision and the report has yet to be made public.

Our organizations believe that Munir’s case cannot be seen in isolation, but is indicative of the wider culture of impunity surrounding attacks and harassment of human rights defenders in the country. The lack of full accountability in Munir's case contributes to an ongoing climate of fear among human rights defenders.

We, the undersigned regional and international civil society organizations therefore urge the President of Indonesia Joko Widodo to take the following steps as a matter of priority:

- Publish the 2005 report of the fact-finding team into Munir’s killing as a key step towards establishing the truth;

- Establish a new, independent investigation into the murder of Munir to ensure that all those suspected of being responsible, at all levels, are brought to justice in proceedings that adhere to international human rights standards;

- Review the past criminal proceedings conducted by the Attorney General into Munir’s killing, including alleged violations of international human rights law; in particular, investigate reports of witness intimidation and bring those suspected of committing them to justice;  

- Take effective steps to ensure that human rights violations committed against all human rights defenders are promptly, effectively and impartially investigated and that those responsible are brought to justice in fair trials; and  

- Create a safe and enabling legal environment for human rights defenders by enacting laws on the protection of human rights defenders.

This joint statement is endorsed by:

Amnesty International Indonesia
AHRC (Asian Human Rights Commission)
AFAD (Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances)
AJAR (Asia Justice and Rights)
ETAN (East Timor & Indonesia Action Network)
OBS (The Observatory for Protections of Human Rights Defender OBS)
FORUM-ASIA (Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development)
Human Rights First
Human Rights Watch
Protection International

Watch Indonesia!

For more information on Munir, please see:

GMN TV | Jornal Nacional

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KALOHAN Atualiza Serbisu Ba PR Lú Olo

DILI, (TATOLI) - Ministru Edukasaun, António da Conceição alias KALOHAN ho nia asesór no tékniku sira hosi Ministériu Edukasaun (ME) sorumutu ho Prezidente Repúblika (PR), Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, hodi atualiza serbisu kona-ba ministériu asuntu sosiais no Ministériu Edukasaun ba Prezidente.

“Ohin ami aprezenta ba Prezidente Repúblika serbisu sira ne’ebé maka ami hala’o iha área saúde ne’ebé espesifikamente apoia ba iha ospitalares no distribuisaun medikamentu no edukasaun nian,” António ko’alia asuntu ne’e ba jornalista sira iha Palásiu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Bairru-Pité, Dili, sesta ne’e.

Nia hatutan Iha área edukasaun ninian, Nia gabinete apoiu no kontrola ba iha merenda eskolár no programa partisipasaun adultu sira nian iha eskola no moos profesór sira nia dezempeñu serbisu iha eskola.

Hanesan Ministru Edukasaun, nia haktuir, nia mós aprezenta ba Prezidente Repúblika serbisu iha área edukasaun liu-liu movimentu edukasaun ninian hanesan difikuldade sira ne’ebé profesór sira hasoru iha lian portugés. Tuir nia katak língua portugés ne’e língua ne’ebé difisil atu hanorin iha eskola sira.

Fretilin Maka Iha Diretu Hili PM

DILI – Sosidade sivil iha rai laran konsidera Fretilin maka iha direitu atu hili nia ema sai Primeiru Ministru, tanba partidu nee maka manan iha eleisaun jeral 2017.

Diretor Asosiasaun HAK Manuel Monteiro hateten, iha artigu sentu seis versiklu un hateten, Primeiru Ministru hili husi partidu neebe iha votus barak liu, partidu votus barak maka iha eleisaun nee Fretilin.

Iha ita nia rai nee politika maka komanda lei, lei bele dehan hanesan nee, maibe politika sira bele fila fali lei nee ba iha kraik, politika maka ba fali iha leten, neebe politika ohin sir abele dehan henesan nee aban bele muda fali ba buat seluk,” dehan Manuel ba STL, iha ninia servisu fatin, Farol, Dili, Sesta (08/09/2017).

Nia dehan, Importante maka asegura interese nasional nee, atu nunee povu labele sai tan vitima iha fase ukun rasik aan ida nee, tanba seitor importante neebe maka ba nesesidade povu nian nee seidauk hakonu husi Estadu rasik, bee mos lais, Edukasaun lao ladiak no seluk tan.

Iha fatin ketak Sekertariu Jeral Partidu Khunto Jose Agostinho da Silva hateten, Konaba formasaun Governu Nee direitu progrativu, Primeiru Ministru inzitadu nia neebe iha tempu badak sei hatene, klaru tenke mai husi partidu votadu Fretilin. 

Carme Ximenes/Maria Lay | Suara Timor Lorosae

Diferensia Votus, Persepsaun Koligasaun Ladiak Ba Publiku

DILI - Tuir sosiedade sivil Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nia hare konaba diferensia votus ba meza parlamentar nee sei laiha implikasaun ba governasaun foun mai. Ida nee signifika katak persepsaun koligasaun ladiak ba publiku.

Liafuan hirak nee hato husi Adjuntu Diretor Ezekutivu Fundasaun Mahein (FM) Joao Almeida ba STL iha nia knar fatin Fomentu, Komoro, Dili Kinta (7/9/2017). Tuir nia, votus nebe akontese iha elisaun meza PPN hanesan dinamika politika deit. Tanba tuir lei deputadus iha direitu atu hili figura neebe sira fo fiar atu bele kaer pasta prezidente PN.

Rezultadu elisaun tempu neba koligasaun nia votus tuir lolos nee 35 maibe nakfilak ba 33 no partidu opozisaun CNRT no PLP tuir lolos votus 30 maibe nakfilak ba 32. Agora intensaun husi koligasaun nee atu kria maioria parlamentar. Tanba nee maka konsidera votasaun ba PPN nee buat seluk ida no formasaun governu buat seluk mos.

Eis Deputadu Balun Sei Lori Karreta Prado ba Uma

DILI: Maski loron-kuarta mak loron ikus entrega karreta Prado Parlamentu Nasionál, maibé too loron kinta horsehik eis deputadu balun sei lori hela karreta ba uma.

Mandatu deputadu ba IV lezislatura remata ona iha loron tersa (5/9), hafoin deputadu foun hetan tomada posse.

Tuir observasaun Diariu INDEPENDENTE nota katak, karreta Parlamentu Nasionál III lezislatura dadaun ne’e balun para ona iha resintu Parlamentu Nasionál no balun kontinua utiliza sapa privadu no balun uza sapa matrikula orizinál parlamentu.

Tuir Sekretáriu Jerál Parlamentu Nasionál, Mateus Belo hatete, karreta Prado sira ne’ebé durante ne’e deputadu III lezislatura sira utiliza hala’o servisu Parlamentu Nasionál komesa balun entrega ona maibé balun seidauk tanba balun ba ona foho.

Programa Sala Redasaun | Entervista Exclusivo Fronteira Marítima ho Xanana Gusmão

RTTLep | 47:35

Lei Anti Korrupsaun, Primeiru Ajenda Ba PLP

DILI, (TATOLI) - Prezidente Bankada Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP), Fidelis Magalhães afirma, pozisaun PLP iha Parlamentu Nasionál sei fó atensaun liu ba lei Anti Korrupsaun nu’udar primeiru ajenda.

“Lei Anti Korrupsaun ne’e la iha duvida tanba molok eleisaun mós PLP ko’alia, agora ami sei ko’alia nafatin no sei ko’alia prioridade mak Lei Anti Korrupsaun,” Fidelis informa ba Ajénsia TATOLI bainhira hasoru malu iha uma fukun, Sesta, (08/09).

Nia hatutan, Ami sei halo reuniaun ho Prezidente Partidu Libertasaun Populár atu define fali ajenda importante sira tanba molok ne’e ami ko’alia programa prioridade lubuk ida, nune’e daudaun povu fó fiar ona no ami halo ona servisu iha té-renu atu halo saida?

Biar nune’e, importante liu ba PLP tuir Fidelis Magalhães, iha PN, PLP hakarak promove diskusaun konstrutivu no dinámiku.

PLP mós sei prepara an hodi halo proposta lejizlativa hirak ne’e no lei hirak ne’ebé importante no prioridade atu bele diskute iha meza parlamentár tanba hanesan aspirasaun povu tenke halo lei no foti desizaun polítika.

“Mezmu ami ladauk tuur hodi diskute prioridade PLP nian maibé Lei Anti Korrupsaun tama tiha ona PLP nia prioridade no ami sei alista prioridade hirak ne’ebé mak atu tutuir malu hodi bele aprezenta iha meza parlamentár,” nia hakotu lia.

Jornalista: Zezito Silva | Editór: Manuel Pinto

PLP Lakohi Involve Meja PN

DILI, (TATOLI) - Prezidente Bankada PLP, Fidelis Magalhaés hateten, PLP mai ho ninia politika hodi sai oposizaun, tanba ne’e sei lainvolve an iha meja Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), enkuantu FRETILIN husu alterasaun ba rejimentu hodi involve PLP iha Meja.

ʺPLP haksolok sai oposizaun tanba ne’e ami mantein ami nia an hanesan oposizaun tuur para fó hanoin no sujestaun,ʺ dehan Presidente Bankada PLP iha Uma fukun PN, Sexta (08/09).

Tuir Nia iha deskusaun entre Bankada Lima ho Prezidente PN, FRETILIN apresenta proposta ne’e ba meja atu deskuti maibé, Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál husu adia ba tempu seluk.

Antes ne’e, Partidu FRETILIN liu hosi ninia bankada iha Parlamentu Nasionál promete sei haruka Proposta alterasaun ba meja Parlamentu hodi altera rejimentu parlamentu hodi aumenta Vise PPN nain rua iha meja PN.

Maibé iha posilidade sei la akontese tanba Partidu rua PLP ho CNRT ne’e rezeita hodi mantein nu’udar oposizaun.

Jornalista Agapito dos Santos | Editór: Manuel Pinto

Involve Bloku Koligasaun, Khunto Sei Lori Ba Zuramentu Ramelau

DILI – Partidu Khunto (Kamanek Haburas Unidade Nasional Timor Oan) neebe involve mos iha bloku koligasaun forma setimu governu, tanba nee sei lori sira nia ema halao juramentu iha foho Ramelau hodi labele uza oportunidade hariku aan no komete korupsaun.

Liafuan nee hatoo husi Deputadu husi Bankada Khunto Jose Agunstinho da Silva hatete, haree korupsaun nee nudar obstakulu ba dezenvolvimentu. Ema hotu lakohi atu halo korupsaun nee buras iha Timor-Leste, partidu Khunto hakarak nee zero toleransia ba korupsaun.

Iha kampana partidu Khunto mos iha nia maneira oinsa atu bele taka dalan ba korupsaun, tanba nee ba ami partidu Khunto bainhira ami nia ema hetan fatin ba iha membru konsellu ministru, ministru, sektretaria estadu ami tenke lori ema nee hodi ba halo juramentu iha foho Ramelau atu nunee bainhira nia asimu kargu labele uza oportunidade hariku nia aan no komete iha korupsaun,” katak Jose ba jornalista iha bankada Khunto PN, Kinta (07/09/2017).

Nia saleinte katak, ba Khunto pozisaun zero toleransia ba korupsaun labele iha membru governu se deit. Espera katak ho lei CAC nee bele aprova atu nunee iha instrumentu legal, hodi regulariza se deit iha  exekutivu ka Lezislativu  ou iha parte neebe deit   karik dalan nakloke atu halo korupsaun presiza iha lei hodi bele regula.

Nunee mos Deputadu husi bankada PD Mariano Asanami Sabino hatete, bankada PD sei tau preoridade ba nesesidade povu, liu-liu mos kona ba lei CAC nian desde inisiu iha sira nia kampana mos luta ba ida nee.

Entretantu Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional Aniceito Guterres hatete, konaba lei anti korupsaun bele dehan atu tau preoridade ba kuatru lejislatura. Maibe nee inisiativa tenke mai husi bankada parlamentares ho deputadus sira laos, meza PN mak tenke hola inisiativa. 

Guilhermina Franco / Jacinta Sequeira | Suara Timor Lorosae

Arsenio Bano: RAEOA-Sei Estabelese Diresaun Juventude, Desportu no Kultura

Ho hanoin atu responde ba nesesidade juventude iha Rejiaun Autonomu Espesial Oe-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), iha tempu besik persija hasa’e nivel jestaun ba area juventude no desportu hosi nivel departementu ba nivel diresaun. Sekretaria Jeral Rejiaun Autonomu Espesial Oe-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), Arsenio Bano, hato’o katak Oe-cusse persija hasa’e nivel Departamentu Juventude, Desportu no Kultura ba Diresaun.

Sekretaria Jeral Rejiaun Autonomu Espesial Oe-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), Arsenio Bano, hato’o katak Oe-cusse persija hasa’e nivel Departamentu Juventude, Desportu no Kultura ba Diresaun, iha tempu besik hodi bele responde ba responsabilidade ne’ebe barak no numeru juventude ne’ebe metade husi total populasaun Oe-cusse.

“Iha Oe-cusse, iha departamentu deit, Departamentu Juventude, Desportu e Kultura, ne’e maka planu ba karik fulan ida ne’e duni, Setembru atu tau ona director diresaun rejional ba Juventude, Desportu, tanba ami hare responsabilidade boot barak, depois, juventude barak, maior parte husi total populasaun iha ne’e juventude idade hanesan 15-24 ne’e barak, sedauk sura tan sira ne’ebe eskola iha liur entaun ita autoridade rejiaun hanoin katak persija upgrade/hasa’e tan nivel ida departamentu ne’e ba diresaun”

Nia hatutan mos katak durante ne’e koordenasaun entre SEJD no mos Rejiaun kona ba asuntu Juventude la’o estavel, no Rejiaun sei tau osan ba Diresaun refere hodi hala’o atividade no sei servisu hamutuk ho Sentru Juventude iha Oe-cusse, para halo maksimiza esforsu servisu ba juventude. Tenik autoridade ne’e.

Mensajen ne’e hato’o husi Sekretaria Jeral Rejiaun Autonomu Espesial Oe-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), Arsenio Bano, iha nia diskursu wanihira hala’o abertura ba atividade formasaun ba Jestor Sentru sira kona ba Jesatun Organizasaun, iha Oe-cusse, 4 de Setembru 2017.

Iha sorin seluk tuir Vitor Manuel Neno, Xefi Departamentu Juventude, Desportu e Kultura, katak importante atu hasa’e Departamentu ba Diresaun.

“Atu hasa’e tan nivel ba diresaun ida, ne’e opsaun di’ak para separa juventude, desportu husi edukasaun, tanba durante tinan rua, departamentu juventude, desportu submete ba edukasaun. Edukasaun nia programa mos barak, juventude no desportu nia programa mos barak. Kuandu ami planu orsamentu e ami nia orsamentu boot edukasaun mos boot, entaun ami nian labele aprova, tanba orsamentu boot liu standar ne’ebe mak iha. Entaun programa boot ho boot mak hamutuk halo konfuzaun. Juventude desportu persija sai diresaun ida, para nia loke tan liras ba programa sira joven nian.”

Juventude Oe-cusse, Imaculada da Costa Lelan, hatoo nia sentimentu ba jornalista TAFARA.TL “Hau nuudar juventude hau apresia teb-tebes e hau espera katak liu husi oportunide ne’e joventude sira bele espresa tan sira nia kapasidade nia konesimentu atu nune’e bele dezenvolve ba oin tan iha Oe-cusse”.

Jornalista TAFARA.TL mos konsege dadalia ho Diretor Nasional Juventude, David Tomas De Deus, kona ba hanoin Sekretariu Jeral RAEOA ne’e no nia aseita teb-tebes ho hanoin mak iha hodi eleva tan nivel Departamentu Juventude ba iha Diresaun hodi bele dezenvolve di’ak liu tan iha area juventude, no hatudu ba ema hotu nia komitmentu iha area ne’e.

“Em prinsipiu sira agora la’o hela ne’e, tantu Sentru Juventude ne’e iha RAEOA, mais SEJD sei kontinua fo apoiu ba sira, tanba sira hala’o servisu ba ita nia joven sira. Tanba ne’e mak aseita tebes ho ohin, Sekretaria Jeral hatete ne’e, sira mos kontinua apoiu e SEJD mos sei kontinua apoiu ba sira. Ida ne’e hatudu mos katak hotu-hotu iha komitmentu ba dezenvolvimentu juventude liliu iha rai Oe-Cusse ne’e,” akresenta Diretor Nasional Juventude SEJD ne’e.

Yane Maia | TAFARA.TL | Editor: Ato Lekinawa Costa

Vítima mortal hosi furakaun Irma aumenta ba na'in 10 iha Karaíba

Númeru hosi vítima mortal sira tanba pasajen hosi Irma, furakaun atlántiku ne'ebé forte tebes iha dékada ida nia laran, aumenta ba na'in 10 iha loron-kinta ne'e, hafoin ema na'in ida mate iha illa Anguilla, iha nordeste Karaíba, informa hosi autoridade sira.

Iha teritóriu britániku ho populasaun hamutuk 15.000 ne'e, labele uza 90% hosi estrada sira, haktuir hosi ajénsia ba jestaun emerjénsia Karaíba nian.

Vítima ne'ebé mate iha Anguilla tau hamutuk ho na'in ualu ne'ebé maka rejista iha parte franseza hosi illa St. Martin no iha São Bartolomeu, no na'in ida seluk, labarik ida ho tinan rua, iha Barbuda.

Tuir institutu meteorolójiku Météo France katak Irma hanesan furakaun kleur ho kategoria 5 iha eskala Saffir-Simpson nian ne'ebé maka rejista iha mundu, mantén iha grau ne'e ho anin 298 Km/tuir oras, akontese durante oras 33 nia laran.

Furakaun halakon ona "supertufaun" Haiyan, ne'ebé estraga Filipina iha oras 24 nia laran, iha tinan 2013, ho anin 295 Km/h, halo mós vítima mortal barak, aas liu duké na'in 6.000.

PR mosambikanu aposta iha diálogu ba dame, respeita lei no valor nasional sira

Iha loron-kinta ne'e, xefe Estadu mosambikanu, Filipe Nyusi, defende ona kompromisu hosi nia Governu ho dame iha Mosambike, maibé konsidera katak presiza respeita lei no "valor sira mosambikanidade nian".

"Hanesan Governu, ami mantén nafatin diálogu abertu no lahó prekonseitu sira ho forsa sira hosi sosiedade, ho destake ba ita nia maun-alin hosi Renamo", Filipe Nyusi hatete.

Prezidente mosambikanu ko'alia iha Lichinga, kapital hosi provínsia Niassa, iha norte Mosambike nian, durante aniversáriu ba dala 43 hosi akordu sira Lusaca nian, ne'ebé marka rekoñesimentu ba direitu Mosambike nian ba independénsia.

Tuir Nyusi, objetivu agora maka hetan dame efetivu ida no ne'ebé dura kleur, kondisaun ba dezenvolvimentu sosioekonómiku Mosambike nian.

"Estimadu kombatente sira, ho imi nia esperiénsia, ami hakarak halo Mosambike sai nasaun forte ida, soberanu, prósperu, ida de'it no ne'ebé labele fahe malu", afirma hosi Prezidente mosambikanu.