domingo, 22 de outubro de 2017

FRETILIN konsidera, opozisaun hakarak hatu’un Governu

Bankada FRETILIN iha Parlamentu Nasionál (PN) kestiona bankada opozisaun CNRT, PLP no KHUNTO ne’eb’e rejeita ona programa VII Governu. Tanba tuir FRETILIN nia haree, fundamentu husi mosaun ne’e, la’os kontra programa Governu, maibé instrumentu polítika ida hodi hatu’un Governu.

Deputada Nurima Alkatiri, husi bankada FRETILIN hateten, bankada opozisaun hatama mosaun rejeisaun hodi rejeita programa VII Governu nian ne’e, hanesan instrumentu polítika ida.

“Ida ne’e grave tanba laiha relasaun ho apresiasaun programa VII Governu nian, no la kompete ba bankada ka Parlamentu Nasional atu kestiona Prezidenti Repúblika nia desizaun. Hahalok sira ne’e hatudu momós katak, fundamentu ba mosaun la’os programa VII Governu nian, maibé bankada opozisaun uza mosaun nu’udar instrumentu polítiku atu hatu’un Governu,” katak Norima Alkatiri iha plenária PN, Kinta (19/10).

Nune’e mós, deputadu David Dias husi bankada FRETILIN hateten,  Governu ne’e minoria, maibé haree tok konstituisaun, maioria ho minoria ne’e oinsa ona.

“Ha’u atu dehan de’it katak, V Governu kaudrus FRETILIN partisipa hanesan individual, tanba laiha dokumentu ida entre FRETILIN ho Governu katak, tenki tama bloku koligasaun,” dehan David Dias.

GMN TV | Jornal Nacional


Governu Loke Uma Provizoriu Ba Moras Hiv–Sida

DILI - Governu Loke ona uma provizoriu ba ema neebe moras ho virus Hiv, atu deskansa no oferese oportunidade ba sira hodi tuir formasaun no hakbit sira iha negosiu kiik iha moris lor-loron.

Tuir Sekertariu Ezekutivu Comisaun Nasional Combate Hiv-sida Timor Leste (CNCS-TL), Daniel Marcal hateten, uma nee hanesan mahon ida ba sira atu deskansa ho hakmatek, banhira sira hasoru stigma no diskriminasaun husi familia no sosiedade.

Nia dehan, lolos espasu nee laos hela permanente maibe, iha pasiente balun neebe familia la simu sira, no sira sente seguru no hakmatek hela iha uma mahon refere.

"Sira ba iha neeba laos ba deskansa deit maibe, iha aktividade hanesan homan, tein aihan lokal no aprende muzika balun. Para sira fila ba iha sira nia fatin, iha ona abilidade atu halo buat ruma,” hateten Daniel ba STL iha nia knar fatin, Kinta, (19/10/2017).

Komunidade Labele Preokupa Rumoris

DILI — Espoza Prezidente Republiika (PR) Cidalia Nobre Guterres, apela ba komunidadetomak atu labele preokupa ho rumoris neebe dadaun lao, relasiona ho situasaun politika iha rai laran.

“Hau husu ba joven sira atu hakmatek iha fatin ba saidamak lao iha nasaun ida nee husu ita nia nain ulun sira mak buka dalan atu rezolve, ita labele mete problema sira nee,” dehan Cidalia ba STL iha Kristal hafoin halao vizita ba Institu Cristal Kuarta (18/10/2017).

Espoza Prezidente nee mos husu inan aman atu kontrola oan sira ho didiak kuandu ba eskola, atu nunee ema seluk labele aproveita hodi uza fali sira ba situasaun ruma.

“Liu ba inan aman sira kontrola oan, kuandu ba eskola ba eskola, fila eskola karik tur hakmatek atu ema labele aproveita sira tanba situasaun ruma susar atu kontrola, dala barak liu dalawain liu akontese ema neebe mak inosente sai vitima, e hau hanoin papel importante mak ita labele preokupa mais ita buka halao ita nia atividade hodi nunee sustenta ba ita nia familia,” tenik Cidalia.

Iha sorin seluk Segundu Komandante PNTL Munisipiu Dili, Superintendente Assistente Polisia, Euclides Belo  lori Komandu Munisipiu Dili nia naran apela ba publiku liu liu ba joven sira atu tur hakmatek,  labele halo tentativa sira tanba kuandu grupu ruma, ema ruma mak koko atu kria instabilidade polisia sei foti atuasaun neebe rigorozu tebes.

“Ami husu ba komunidade sira joven sira atu tur hakmatek halo atividade karik halo los no tuir regra mas kuandu halo fali perturbasaun ruma ami sei halo atuasaun rigorozu tebes,” tenik Euclides.

Nunee mos Xefe Suku Caicoli, Hipolito Marques dehan, hanesan autoridade lokal husu nafatin ba komunidade atu tur hakmatek iha ida idak nia fatin. “Ami autoridade lokal nafatin informa komunidade sira atu tur hakmatek, halao sira nia atividade hodi sustenta familia, labele preokupa ba rumoris sira neebe lao iha rai laran, tanba polisia no forsa iha hodi asegura seguransa iha rai laran,” dehan Hipolito. 

Luciana Ximenes/Jacinta Siqueira | Suara Timor Lorosae

PNTL Presiza Asegura Seguransa Kalan, MEUJTL Prontu Kontribui

DILI - Parte akademia husi Universidade Dili (UNDIL) husu ba Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) atu aumenta tan sira nia patroliamentu iha tenpu kalan atu bele minimiza grupu deskunhesidu sira neebe uja rama Ambon husi estraga ema seluk nia vida.

Lia fuan hirak nee hatoo husi Reitor Universidade Dili (UNDIL) Estevao da Costa Belo ba STL iha nia servisu fatin Maskarinhas Dili Kinta, (19/10/2017). Reitor nee reforsa tan katak, polisia iha obrigasaun atu asegura seguransa interna tuir lei haruka. Nunee moos tenki halao sira nia knar tuir lei no orden neebe iha.

Tensaun politika sae oras nee dadaun mosu grupu balun halo movimentu iha tenpu kalan tiru rama ambon. Tanba nee maka husu atu polisia halo nia patroliamentu rutina loron too kalan no kalan too loron atu bele asegura estabilidade ba komunidade neebe halo movimentu iha tenpu kalan.

Don Basílio Hasoru Primeiru-Ministru Hodi Konfirma Konkordata

DILI, (TATOLI) – Bispu Dioseze Baukau, Don Basílio do Nascimento, hasoru malu ho Primeiru-Ministru, Marí Bin Amude Alkatiri, hodi konfirma konkordata ne’ebé Governu ho Santa Sé asina iha agostu 2015.

“Mai como iha kuadru foun Governu nian, depois como iha akordu ida entre Uma Kreda no Governu ne’ebé asina ona iha tinan uluk, agora iha kontestu foun ida ne’e, uluk faze negosiasaun nian, agora ne’e faze implementasaun ne’ebé sé uluk husi Governu ami-nia parseiru negosiasaun ne’e mak Ministériu Negósiu Estrangeiru, agora iha faze implementasaun, ami hakarak husu informasaun sé mak reprezenta Governu”, Bispu informa ba jornalista sira iha Palásiu Governu, ohin.

Tanba ne’e husi parte Uma Kreda halo sorumutuk hodi husu reprezentante Governu nian iha faze implementasaun konkordata nian.

Konkordata ne’e Governu selebra ho Santa Sé bainhira eis Primeiru-Ministru, Rui Maria de Araújo hasoru malu ho Papa Francisco.

Tuir ajénsia Ecclesia ne’ebé Tatoli asesu katak akordu ne’e kompostu husi preámbulu ida no artigu 26 ne’ebé hatete, respeitu ba rekoñesimentu personalidade jurídika Igreja Katólika nian no nia instituisaun sira iha Timor-Leste.

Is the Philippines Violent Drug War Spreading to Indonesia?

The war on drugs is popular, even as the bodies pile up

By Nithin Coca* | The Diplomat

The Philippine war on drugs, led by President Rodrigo Duterte, has been eviscerated by human rights advocates due to its reliance on extrajudicial killings. Meanwhile, neighboring Indonesia has been much more quietly ramping up its own war on drugs, but here, international attention has been limited outside of two series of high profile executions. But in the past few months, several news outlets have reported that the country’s empowered anti-drug forces have killed alleged drug criminals across the country, another sign that Indonesia is borrowing tactics from it’s neighbor.

“The fact that people are being killed by police and unidentified attackers with impunity, at a rapid rate and massive scale — over 12,000 — for over a year now is a brutal atrocity,” Gloria Lai, senior policy officer at the International Drug Policy Consortium (IPDC), told The Diplomat. “The influence this can have in enabling similar tactics by governments in the region is a significant concern, particularly as the Philippines is chair of ASEAN in 2017 and has been using this platform to call on member states to support the war on drugs.”

What Is the Tatmadaw’s Plan for the Rohingya?

Myanmar’s military has spent decades engineering a genocide

By Austin Bodetti* | The Diplomat

Despite taking years to plan, history’s worst crimes against humanity appeared to the world as clumsy, hasty, and reactive. The Ottoman Empire organized the Armenian Genocide amid fears of Russian spies during World War I. Nazi Germany raced to implement the Final Solution, the bloodiest phase of the Holocaust, as the Soviet Union and the Western Allies punched through its defenses during World War II.

Newcomers to genocide studies might see historic recurrence in Myanmar, whose military, the Tatmadaw, claims that it only started battling the Rohingya, a Muslim minority, after insurgents fighting under the banner of the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) conducted operations against security forces in October 2016and August 2017. However, the Tatmadaw has spent decades engineering the genocide of the Rohingya, a conspiracy that is now coming to fruition and that, in the face of the Western world’s growing complacence and Islamophobia, will likely succeed.