domingo, 17 de maio de 2015


Deputadu Francisco Branco husi bankada FRETILIN hatete katak, investimentu Governu nian ba estrada iha Timor Laran tomak, hanesan misaun imposivel ida, tanba durante tinan barak problema ida ne’e susar atu rezolve.

Francisco Branco mós hatete katak, nia kestiona maka’as kona-ba Governu nia investementu kona-ba estrada, tanba estrada sira ne’e, kuaze atu sobu hotu ona, maibé kontinua sai preokupasaun iha públiku.

Francisco Branco fó ezemplu katak, hanesan estrada Fleixa atu ba Same nian, Governu presiza haree didiak, tanba estrada ida ne’e kontinua a’at nafatin.

“Ha’u hanoin seidauk iha estudu ida, kona-ba estrutura rai ninian, hau hanoin ida ne’e investimentu ida ne’ebé ita halo, nem rezultadu ida pozitiva ba ita. Ita gasta miloens ba miloens dolares, maibé laiha rezultadu ida. ida ne’e ita hare katak, estrada ne’e hanesan misaun imposivel ida ba Governu atu halo,” Francisco Branco hato’o nia kritika, bainhira partisipa iha enkontru Governu kona-ba define prioridade nasional ba tinan 2016, ne’ebé hala’o iha Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru i Koperasaun Kinta (14/5).

Tanba, Francisco Branco dehan, estrada ida ne’e, husi leten komesa naksobu dadauk ona, no husi karaik, nakfera ba bebeik. Entaun Branco dehan, ida ne’e maske Governu halo esforsu tomak atu halo investementu kona-ba estrada, maibé sei laiha rezultadu.

Tanba ne’e, Branco husu ba Primeiru Ministru Rui Araújo atu kumpri nia liafuan katak, tenki investe ho kualidade, efikas no efikasia. Tanba ne’e, Branco dehan, kuandu Governu hakarka investe ho kualidade, tenki estuda uluk kualidade rai ninian, maka foin hasai konkluzaun.

“Tuir ami nia hanoin, ida ne’e projetu imposivel ida ne’ebé ita estraga osan barak, maibé laiha rezultadu ida,” katak Branco.

Hatan ba preokupasaun Francisco Branco nian ne’e, Ministru Planeiamentu Investementu Estratejiku, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão hatete katak, asuntu ne’e diak tebes ba Governu atu preparaan hodi hasai prioridades ne’ebé los.

Xanana dehan, asuntu estrada ne’e, Parlamentu ho Governu kuñese malu desde kintu Governu ionstitusional, maibé se lori nafatin mai to’o iha sestu Governu ida ne’e.

Xanana hatutan, enkontru jornada orsamental ne’e, atu Parlamentu kompriende, bainhira Governu aprezenta orsamentu Estadu, Parlamentu hatene ona katak, tanbasa maka Governu fó prioridades ba setor hirak ne’e.

“Ida ne’e hanesan estatistika dezempeñu ida, tuir programa ida uluk nian ne’e, atu bolu atensaun ba ami, prioridades nasionais ne’e, nia rezultadu bele sai diak,”relata Xanana.

Eis Primeiru Ministru Kintru Governu ne’e dehan, kuandu Estadu Timor Leste la atrai investementu estranjeiru, ho Timor Leste nia setor privadu rasik, preokupasaun Parlamentu nian ne’e, sei mantein nafatin.

Alende ne’e, Ministru Obras Publikas Transporte i Komunikasaun, Gastão Sousa mós hatete katak, Primeiru Ministru Rui Maria de Araújo fó ona orientasaun ba sira atu fó prioridade ba kualidade de obras.

“Ami sei fó atensaun kona-ba ida ne’e, li-liu endetaillu kona-ba projetus sira ne’e, no ami sei rezolve kona-ba kestaun estrada husi Aitutu ba Same,”promete Gastão.

Tanba Gastão hatutan, kestaun ida ne’e laos ba empreja ne’ebé halo servisu deit, maibé ba povu ne’ebé la’o ba mai hodi buka nia moris lor-loron.tap

Jornal Nacional


Fatin turismu nu’udar setor importante, tanba bele hatama rendimentu ba kofre Estado, maibe to’o ohin loron Ministerio Turizmu no Kultura (MTK) kontinua abandona fatin turismu ne’ebe maka iha Timor Leste.

Lolos ne’e MTK promove seitor turismu nune’e bele atrai ema turista tama mai rai laran. Tantu to’o ohin loron fatin turismu barak maka iha potensia bot ba turizmu nian iha TL governu ladauk fo atensaun masimu, hanesan Metiaut, Kristo Rei, Likisa no fatin potensial turismu sira seluk iha teritoriu tomak.

“Tuir lolos ne’e tempu ona para Governu tau matan ba fatin turismu ne’ebe maka ita Timor iha, tamba ida ne’e atu hatama income ba Estadu nian mas agora ita hare MTK la promove fatin turistiku oinsa maka atu atrai ema mai ita nia rai? Ne’e susar,”Elisio Belo (estudante) UNITAL ba JN-Diario Kaurta (13/5) horseik iha.

Nia haktuir katak, MTK laiha planu ida que diak nune’e fatin turismu kuaze kontinua abandona hela.

“Ita haree katak buat sira ne’e MTK la bok, ami hanoin katak MTK laiha duni planu ida que diak ba setor ida ne’e,”Elisio komenta.

Iha parte seluk, tuir Domingos Ximenes hatutan katak, lolos ne’e Governu planea hadiak fatin turismu nune’e bele hatama reseitas ba Estado.

“Kuandu hadia fatin importante turismu iha vantazen bot wainhira ita hadiak ita nia turizmu tamba fatin turizmu barak maka sai potensialidade ba turizmu,”dehan nia.

Iha parte seluk Dulce P. Amaral hatutan, ministeriu kompetenti presiza promove fatin turistiku sira ne’ebe maka sei kontinua abandona, maibe persiza mos kria fatin turismu animal nian.

“Ita nia osan ne’e laos deit mai husi mina rai, entaun ita bele hadia ita nia fatin turista sira ne’e hotu tanba nia vantajen bot ba ita, tanba wainhira ema atu ba fatin ne’eba selu maka tama. Maibe mos persiza harii mos fatin turista nian hodi hakiak animal ne’ebe maka ita identifika diak no furak ema atu haree ne’e para ema mos iha hakarak ba vizita mos fatin sira ne’e selu,”koalia nia. alf

Jornal Nacional


Selebra loron Independensia Timor Leste ba dala 13 ne’ebe monu iha loron 20 Maiu 2015, Seguransa Sivil hahú haleu Dili laran hasai vendedores Ambulantes sira ne’ebé fa’an iha estrada ibun Tasi-Tolu no fatin sira seluk, tanba ne’e vendedores husu atu labele kria diskriminasaun.

“Kuandu hasai ona ami tiga roda (Ambulante) ami mós ejije para hasai sira ne’ebe maka fa’an ikan iha tasi ibun no sira ne’ebe maka fa’an kareta iha dalan ibun para labele fa’an hotu iha fatin importante ida ne’e maka ami hakarak,”Salostiano Marques (vendedor) Ambulant Tasi-Tolu, hato’o ba JN-Diário Tersa (12/5) iha Tasi-Tolu-Dili.

Nu’udar sidadaun kumpri orden hotu-hotu ne’ebe hatun husi Estadu, maibe labele ba ema balu deit, tenke aplika ba ema hotu-hotu hanesan.

“Ami hanesan sidadaun bainhira Polisia hamutuk ho seguransa sivil haruka ami sai husi fatin ne’e ami ho konsiensia kumpri. Maibe triste maka kuandu ami ba fa’an iha fatin seluk sasan ladun folin ida ne’e maka kestaun ba ami,”haklaken nia.

Nia dehan, Merkado Manleuana kaundu sira ba fa’an sasan ladun folin.  
Nune’e mos, Olinda Gomes hatutan liun tan katak, Governu tenke kria fatin diak ida ne’ebe maka estratejiku atu nune’e sira bele fa’an hakmatek.

“Lolos ne’e Governu kria fatin diak ida ba ami Tiga Roda para bele fa’an, maibe labele tau fali ami iha hanesan Merkado Manleuana ne’e ami atu hetan husi ne’ebe? Tanba ema ba fatin ne’eba mos ladun barak tan. Ami hanoin ida ne’e Governu labele taka matan ba ami nia problema sira ne’e,”Olinda argumenta.

Entretantu Aderito Soares husu atu hasai mos ema ne’ebe maka fa’an kareta no motor iha etsrada ibun ne’eba para ita haree katak laiha diskriminasaun. alf

Jornal Nacional


Ministro norte-coreano aparece em programa de TV após ter morte 'noticiada' pela imprensa ocidental

Coreia do Norte - Diário Liberdade - O Ministro da Defesa da Coreia do Norte, Hyon Yong-chol, apareceu em um programa de TV norte-coreano nesta quinta-feira (14), um dia depois que o serviço de inteligência da Coreia do Sul anunciou a sua morte por fuzilamento.

Na quarta-feira (13), o Serviço Nacional de Inteligência (SNI) sul-coreano havia anunciado, sem nenhuma prova, o fuzilamento, ou execução com tiros de canhão antiaéreo, do ministro norte-coreano, apresentando como motivo um "cochilo" do funcionário do governo e falta de respeito com o presidente do país, Kim Jong-un. Rapidamente, a imprensa sul-coreana "noticiou" a suposta execução, o que repercutiu em toda a mídia ocidental, a serviço do grande capital, do imperialismo e do governo dos EUA.

Devido ao aparecimento do Ministro da Defesa norte-coreano em rede nacional no país socialista, o Serviço de Inteligência da Coreia do Sul teve que retificar sua própria declaração e afirmou que seguirá acompanhando o caso, segundo a agência de notícias sul-coreana Yonhap.

A farsa da morte bizarra do alto funcionário do governo norte-coreano durou pouco tempo, mas as mentiras e manipulações orquestradas pelo governo da Coreia do Sul com apoio da imprensa ocidental a serviço do imperialismo estadunidense não cessam, sendo necessário sempre esclarecer e desmentir esse tipo de "informação".

Crime humanitário: Abandonados em alto-mar, imigrantes bebem urina para sobreviver

Imigrantes abandonados em alto-mar na Ásia bebem urina para sobreviver. Os imigrantes são da minoria muçulmana perseguida em Mianmar. Corpos de dez pessoas que morreram na embarcação foram lançados no oceano

Cerca de 350 imigrantes da minoria muçulmana de rohingya, que é perseguida em Mianmar e vem tendo sua entrada negada na Tailândia, estão há uma semana em um barco abandonado no mar de Andaman.

Até esta quinta-feira (14), quando helicópteros tailandeses jogaram suprimentos perto da embarcação, os migrantes estavam sem água e comida, com alguns tendo recorrido à própria urina para ter o que beber.

Os corpos de dez pessoas que morreram na embarcação foram lançados ao mar, disseram os migrantes. Os migrantes relataram que a tripulação quebrou o motor do barco antes de abandoná-los à própria sorte.

Crise migratória

A crise migratória no sudeste asiático se intensificou desde que a Tailândia tornou mais rígidas suas regras de imigração. Uma repressão regional vem assustando os contrabandistas, que se recusam a levar as pessoas para a terra e abandonam seus barcos, deixando os migrantes à deriva.

Nos últimos dias, milhares foram resgatados em alto-mar pela Indonésia e pela Malásia. Outras pessoas chegam até a costa desses países a nado.

Isso não significa, no entanto, que esses governos estejam dispostos a receber os migrantes. A Organização Internacional de Migração acredita que 8.000 imigrantes de Bangladesh e de Mianmar estejam abandonados em alto mar na região.

Na terça (12), a Indonésia havia rebocado um barco com centenas de imigrantes para fora de suas águas territoriais, seguindo uma decisão de um tribunal em Jacarta.

A Malásia, por sua vez, havia dito que só não rejeitaria barcos que estivessem afundando. “Não deixaremos nenhum barco estrangeiro atracar”, disse o primeiro-almirante da agência policial da Marinha da Malásia, Tan Kok Kwee.

Informações de EBC, AFP e Agência Folha

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Ramdas R. Volvoikar

The smallest state from India will soon form a four-state tourism combination to entice high-end spenders, according to Ameya Abhyankar, the director of the department of tourism. 

Dubai — Alarmed by a dip in tourists’ inflow this season and also to counter the likely after-effects of a possible tie-up between Kerala and Sri Lanka, the Indian state of Goa has chalked out a strategy: Get itself into a partnership.

The smallest state from India will soon form a four-state tourism combination to entice high-end spenders, according to Ameya Abhyankar, the director of the department of tourism.

“Goa government has held talks with the tourism development boards of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu to formulate a joint policy to promote their various tourism facets. A follow-up meeting will be scheduled soon that will also see participation of various stakeholders from the quartet states to chalk out promotional activities. We are taking into confidence all the tourism stakeholders and we hope to come out with a policy by November,” Abhyankar told the Khaleej Times at a recent event in Dubai.

Kerala and Sri Lanka are set to forge an alliance to promote their tourism activities, and it will pose a challenge to Goa. “Unless we take necessary action, Goa might lose their visitors to Kerala and Sri Lanka. We have therefore decided to form a four-state circuit. We plan to draw foreign tourists to world heritage sites like Ajanta-Ellora in Maharashtra, Hampi in Karnataka and Mahabalipuram in Tamil Nadu. Goa does not compete with these three states in terms of what it has to offer to the tourists and its a win-win situation for us. Foreign tourists normally come on month-long tours and Goa being a small state they feel there is not much to see after a fortnight or so. And this joint initiative will convince them of having a fun-filled trip of a longer duration,” explained Abhyankar.

A striking 25 per cent dip in the arrivals of Russians this tourist season has compelled Goa to sit up and take notice. The drop in Russian visitors, who made up for nearly 60 per cent of all charter tourists to Goa in 2013, can be attributed to the depreciation of rouble this year.

Goa now wants to attract visitors from all parts of the world instead of focusing only on one country. Goa recorded 5,13,592 arrivals from more than 30 nations in 2014, an increase of 21,270 compared to 2013 despite a significant decline in the number of arrivals from US, Lithuania and Czech Republic. But a steep rise of tourists from France, UAE, Japan and Iran kept Goa officials visibly happy.

“The recent visa-on-arrival programme will offset the fall in tourism numbers. Visitors from 26 countries availed this facility as between December 4, 2014, and March 15; 12,639 visas were issued at Goa airport,” Abhyankar pointed out.

Goa has bagged several awards during the last five months to put more spotlight on the tourist destination, which is known for its time-honoured ‘susegad’ tradition’, or the famous relaxed, laid-back way of life, as a Goan calls it.

The Preferred Leisure Destination, Best Wedding and Honeymoon destination, Best Beach Destination were some of the awards which came Goa’s way, but the icing on the cake is getting global recognition as a “ safe tourism destination” by National Geographic that placed Goa at the sixth spot in ‘Top 10 Nightlife Cities’ list.

In National Geographic’s ‘Top 10 Nightlife Cities’ list, Dublin in Ireland took the top spot, followed by Belgrade in Serbia, La Paz in Bolivia, Sao Paulo in Brazil, San Juan in Puerto Rico, Goa In India, Ibiza in Spain, Houston in Texas, Thessaloniki in Greece and Baku in Azerbaijan. “This awards go a long way in giving Goa more prominence and drawing more travellers to the state,” commented Abhyankar.

Goa is also putting things in order to curb illegalities in the tourism sector. “We will completely revise the existing legislations, Tourists Trade Act and Goa Tourist Places (Protection and Maintenance) Act to add teeth to the laws to deal with offences like littering beaches, tourist spots and drinking on beaches. The process of revising the two legislations has already started and they will be tabled in the monsoon of the Goa assembly,” Abhyankar said.

The official emphasised the importance of road shows. “Road shows play a major role in promoting any tourist destination as they create outbound awareness and this information comes from the offices of travel consultants. We do around eight road shows every year and they bring lots of foreign tourists,” Abhyankar added.

Photo: Goa has been promoting itself as a tourism destination in Dubai. — Supplied photo

Kaleej Times

Thailand Finds Over 100 Migrants on Island, Many More Still Adrift

Aubrey Belford and Amy Sawitta Lefevre 

Koh Lipe, Thailand. Thailand has found more than 100 migrants on a southern island but thousands remain adrift as boats are pushed back out into Southeast Asia’s seas by governments who have ignored a UN call for a coordinated rescue.

The crisis has arisen because smugglers have abandoned boats crammed with migrants, many of them thirsty and sick, in the Andaman Sea following a Thai crackdown on human trafficking.

The clamp-down has made the preferred trafficking route through Thailand too risky for criminals preying on Rohingya Muslims fleeing persecution in Myanmar and Bangladeshis seeking to escape poverty.

About 2,500 migrants have landed on Indonesia’s western tip and the northwest coast of Malaysia over the past week. Thailand found 106 more on Friday on an island in the southern province of Phang Nga, provincial governor Prayoon Rattanasenee told Reuters. It was unclear how they got to the island, he said.

“Most of them are men but there are also women and children,” Prayoon said. “We are trying to determine whether they were victims of human trafficking.”

Those that have made it to land are the lucky ones.

Two boats that crossed the Malacca Strait from the Thailand-Malaysia side have been turned away by the Indonesian navy, and on Friday another was towed out to sea by the Thai navy.

The boat towed out by Thailand was again near Thai waters early on Saturday, after heading first toward Indonesia and then Malaysia on Friday, said Thai Lieutenant Commander Veerapong Nakprasit.

The Thai and Indonesian navies have restocked the boats they have pushed back with food and water and said the migrants did not want to come ashore in their territory. But those on board have nowhere to go, and are not skilled navigators.

The region’s governments have been criticised by the International Organization for Migration for playing “maritime ping-pong” with the migrants and endangering their lives.

The United Nations this week urged governments to fulfil an obligation to rescue those at sea and “keep their borders and ports open … to help the vulnerable people who are in need”.

The United Nations said the deadly pattern of migration by sea across the Bay of Bengal would continue unless Myanmar itself ended discrimination.

Most of Myanmar’s 1.1 million Rohingya Muslims are stateless and live in apartheid-like conditions in Rakhine state in the west of the predominantly Buddhist country. Almost 140,000 were displaced in clashes with ethnic Rakhine Buddhists in 2012.

Myanmar uses the term “Bengalis” for the Rohingya, a term most Rohingya reject because it implies they are immigrants from Bangladesh despite having lived in Myanmar for generations.

Thailand has called for talks with Myanmar and Malaysia to resolve the crisis.

Myanmar had not received any invitation to talks and would not attend if the word Rohingya was used, Zaw Htay, a senior official from the president’s office, said on Saturday.

“We haven’t received any formal invitation from Thailand officially yet,” he said in an emailed response to questions from Reuters.

“And another thing, if they use the term “Rohingya” we won’t take part in it since we don’t recognise this term. The Myanmar government has been protesting against the use of it all along.”

Photo: Thai fishermen, right, give some supplies to migrants on a boat drifting 17 kilometers off the coast of the southern island of Koh Lipe on Thursday. (Reuters Photo)

Jakarta Globe  /  Reuters

Malaysia Intercepts Migrants Towed Back to Sea by Thais, Thousands Still Adrift

By Aubrey Belford and Kaweewit Kaewjinda

Koh Lipe. Malaysian vessels on Saturday intercepted a boat crammed with migrants after the Thai navy towed it away from Thailand, the latest of a number of vessels pushed back to sea by governments who have ignored a UN call for an immediate rescue.

Thousands of people are adrift in the Andaman Sea after smugglers abandoned their vessels following a Thai crackdown on human trafficking. Many of the migrants are thirsty and sick.

Migrants aboard the vessel were visibly distressed on the packed deck under a blazing sun, a Reuters witness said. Women were crying and some waved their arms and shouted, he said.

The boat has been towed back out to sea by the Thai navy twice after drifting for days. On both occasions, the navy fixed its engine and supplied it with food, water and fuel before towing it out of Thai waters.

The migrants told the Thai navy on Saturday they wanted to go to Malaysia, the officer aboard a patrol boat told Reuters.

“We fixed their engine and showed them where Malaysia is,” the officer said.

After the Thais released it, the boat entered neighboring Malaysian waters where it was intercepted, he said. He declined to give his name.

It was unclear what the Malaysian authorities would do with the migrants. But Malaysia’s government said this week it would push boats back to sea as it did not want to receive large numbers of illegal migrants.

The International Organization for Migration has criticised the region’s governments for playing “maritime ping-pong” with the migrants and endangering their lives.

The United Nations this week urged governments to fulfil an obligation to rescue those at sea and “keep their borders and ports open … to help the vulnerable people who are in need.”

But there was no sign of a coordinated rescue operation, the UN refugee agency UNHCR said on Saturday.

“We’re not seeing any such moves from any governments in the region even though we’re calling on the international community to take action because people are dying,” Jeffrey Savage, who works with the UNHCR in Indonesia, told Reuters on Saturday.

While many remain at sea, thousands have made it to land.

Nearly 800 migrants came ashore in Aceh in Indonesia on Friday, taking the number that have made land in Indonesia and the northwest of Malaysia to more than 2,500 over the past week.

Thailand found 106 more migrants on Friday on an island in the southern province of Phang Nga, provincial governor Prayoon Rattanasenee told Reuters. It was unclear how they got there, he said.

“Most of them are men but there are also women and children,” Prayoon said. “We are trying to determine whether they were victims of human trafficking.”

The Thai clamp-down has made the preferred trafficking route through Thailand too risky for criminals preying on Rohingya Muslims fleeing persecution in Myanmar and Bangladeshis seeking to escape poverty.

An estimated 25,000 Bangladeshis and Rohingya boarded smugglers’ boats in the first three months of this year, twice as many in the same period of 2014, the UNHCR has said.

The United Nations said the deadly pattern of migration by sea across the Bay of Bengal would continue unless Myanmar ended discrimination.

Most of Myanmar’s 1.1 million Rohingya Muslims are stateless and live in apartheid-like conditions in Rakhine state in the west of the predominantly Buddhist country. Almost 140,000 were displaced in clashes with ethnic Rakhine Buddhists in 2012.

Myanmar uses the term “Bengalis” for the Rohingya, a name most Rohingya reject because it implies they are immigrants from Bangladesh despite having lived in Myanmar for generations.

Thailand is hosting talks on May 29 for 15 countries to discuss migration in the region.

Myanmar had not received an invitation to the talks and would not attend if the word Rohingya was used, Zaw Htay, a senior official from the president’s office, said on Saturday.

“We haven’t received any formal invitation from Thailand officially yet,” he said in an emailed response to questions from Reuters.

“And another thing, if they use the term ‘Rohingya’ we won’t take part in it since we don’t recognise this term. The Myanmar government has been protesting against the use of it all along.”

Photo: Rohingya migrants on a boat drifting in Thai waters off the southern island of Koh Lipe in the Andaman Sea. (AFP Photo/Christophe)

Jakarta Globe / Reuters